Alain Blondel. LAGUNA meeting CERN 3-5 March 2011 Near detector considerations and AIDA detector R&D state of the art near detector physic questions -- far detector is Water Cherenkov -- far detector is Liquid Argon -- far detector is MIND or Magnetized Larg/TASD some comments on neutrino factory detector AIDA WP8 on test beam for TASD and MIND neutrino detectors Alain Blondel. LAGUNA meeting CERN 3-5 March 2011
State of the art CNGS no near detector SPY Emulsion (OPERA) LArg (ICARUS) NUMI Mag Iron (MINOS) TASD (NOvA) MINERvA NA49 + MIPP Mag. Iron (MINOS) T2K on axis : Iron-Scint (INGRID) off axis: ND280 plastic scintillator+TPC NA61 Water Cherenkov hadron-prod. measurements Near detector Far detector will concentrate in the following on detectors with electron capability.
iron scintillator sandwich Most detectors use plastic scintillator with siPM readout 60000 siPMs! 0.2T Magnetic field for tracking of muons and electrons with TPCs up to 1 GeV. ND280 could one do better with hinsight? Is B important? iron scintillator sandwich UA1 Magnet 0.2 T P0D (plastic scintillator incl. lead sheets or water targets) FGB Fully active scintillator interleavd with TPC (e/mu by dE/dx and momentum) ECAL (surrounding P0D/FGD/TPC) SMRD magnet instrumentation
P0D TPC FGD TPC FGD TPC ECAL neutrino event in ND280
MINERnA Detector Fully Active Fine Segmented Scintillator Target 8.3 tons, 3 tons fiducial Side HCAL VetoWall LHe ¼ ton Side ECAL Detector composed of 108 planar modules. Vary module construction to build different regions of the detector. Upstream, we have a cryogenic LHe target, followed by a veto wall. Then the modules start The nuclear target region contains solid C, Fe, Pb targets. Further down, there is a large tracking volume of fine-grained scintillator. We also have side and downstream calorimetry. Made of 120 planar “modules”. Total Mass: 200 tons Total channels: ~32K Nuclear Targets with Pb, Fe, C, H2O,CH In same experiment reduces systematic errors between nuclei 20-25 October, 2010 5 5
MINERnA Events in n Beam From to 20-25 October, 2010 6
Near detector Physics issues It is generally not possible to have a near detector which has identical properties to the far detector -- Target Material x different energy spectrum makes a difference in e.g. low energy thresholds pion production and absorption near detector for T2K is NOT a water Cherenkov because of pile-up can near detector for LArg far detector be LArg? -- Size makes a difference on efficiencies, resolution and so does rate (pile-up) (ex. K2K 1kton near detector, MINOS near detector) for good hadron resolution CDHS needed 2I transversally and 8-10I longitudinal -- Near/far detector should avoid physics extrapolation ex. in T2K ND280 no acceptance (so far) to large angle and backward muons (unlike in SK) some systematic error on extrapolation (using other experiments data) -- However these questions must be mitigated by feasibility -- is magnetic field essential? for Nufact answer is YES for beta beam probably no for superbeam probably yes
Since I am new to LAGUNA I would like to discuss a few organizational questions common tools are needed (beam simulations, physics fitters) educated decision on level at which simulation should be carried out common agreement on physics figures of merit 2. but each ‘group’ Water Cherenkov, LArg, LENA NUFACT folks have done some work for TASD & MIND should think about which near detector is most appropriate for the purpose 3. in my opinion the most critical one is the near detector (and particle production measurements) for the low energy beams Superbeam (and betabeam!) to Frejus muon and pion mass effects interplay with nuclear effects 4. Time structure of beam is very important parameter. Is it single turn or is fast-slow extraction possible? Should it be a beam specification?
MIND and TASD Testbeam Plans AIDA Kick-off Meeting, CERN 17 February 2011 Paul Soler
Fine-Resolution Totally Active Segmented Detector Totally Active Scintillating Detector (TASD) using Nona and Minerna concepts with Geant4 35 kT (total mass) 10,000 Modules (X and Y plane) Each plane contains 1000 cells Total: 10M channels 15 m 150 m 3 cm 1.5 cm 15 m Momenta between 100 MeV/c to 15 GeV/c Magnetic field considered: 0.5 T Reconstructed position resolution ~ 4.5 mm B = 0.5T Alan Bross IDS Plenary Meeting – Mumbai October 12-14, 2009 10
Alan Bross IDS Plenary Meeting – Mumbai October 12-14, 2009 Proton Decay P -> K+ n P -> e+ p0 black - kaon (+) red - muon (+) green - positron blue - electron NB in scintillator and MPPC timing resolution is < 1ns (ND280) Alan Bross IDS Plenary Meeting – Mumbai October 12-14, 2009 11
Neutrino Factory detectors Neutrino Factory has demonstrated best performance Neutrino detector: Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detector (MIND): iron+scintillator Scintillator +WLS fibre 14 m 50-100 kt MIND Multi Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC) Toroidal B-field: 1-2.2 T
Physics issues needing test beam input (from ISS report) -- Stopping properties of pions and muons in Minerva-like detector This will be studied in the MICE EMR at RAL using stopping e/mu/pi of both signs For LArg/LENA could also be tested at RAL (there exist a EUCARD TNA for that) -- Charge separation for electrons in magnetic field (TASD, LArg) This can be studied in the MORPURGO magnet at CERN -- Muon Charge separation in MIND-like detector This can be studied in a baby-MIND detector at CERN --hadronic shower angular and transverse momentum resolution in TASD and MIND or LArg or LENA (tau detection in superbeam or high energy neutrino factory) this requires about 2m deep MIND (that is CDHS shower box) and 5m deep (?) TASD or LArg in hadron test beam e.g. at CERN or Fermilab -- How many interaction lengths are needed? 200 MeV/c e/mu/pi beam at RAL
Fast detectors for magnetized near detectors in Superbeam, beta-beam, neutrino factory MICE calorimeter = 1m3 Accurate position resolution (mm) triangular shaped scintillator bars Magnetic field si-PMT readout First test in T9 beam at CERN – position resolution few mm Next step: test at CERN in Dipole magnet in H8 1.6m diameter. Variable density by spacing planes -- reconstruction of showering electrons -- stopping properties of pions and muons
Neutrino activities within AIDA WP8 Task 8.2.1: Develop test beam area in H8 beamline (North Area at CERN) A study of the upgrade of the H8 beam to deliver low energy electrons, muons and hadrons for neutrino experiment prototypes Task 8.5.2: Build a Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detector (MIND) prototype Install a Totally Active Scintillating Detector prototype inside the Morpurgo magnet This will allow to test both electron and muon charge ID in the same test beam Apart from the equipment, detectors and electronics we would also need a DAQ (would the common DAQ be suitable?) MIND prototype becomes a facility for other users in the test beam
Milestones and deliverables Task 8.2.1: design study for low energy particle beam line MS27: Specifications for beam line fixed (month 12) D8.3: Design study on low energy beam line: Design and implementation study on a low energy beam to the range of 1 (or possibly less) and 10 GeV (month 26) Task 8.5.2: TASD and MIND MS28: Design of TASD and MIND (month 26) MS36: Installation of TASD and MIND (month 33) D8.11: Infrastructure performance and utilization - TASD and MIND are constructed and tested for their performance. (Will there be test beams in 2014?)
AIDA (Ctd) Plans to modify H8 beamline for low energy applications, including neutrino R&D test beams as part of AIDA Aim to build TASD and MIND prototypes and test muon and electron charge identification. These detectors remain in test beam as part of the facility for other users Other users will be able to request time on beam through trans-national access AIDA package: access to travel funds and support to carry out test beams using this infrastructure for other detector R&D.
CONCLUSIONS near detectors are essential for precise long baseline experiments 2. near detector technology questions need input/work from members of LENA and GLACIER and MEMPHYS need understanding of beam spectrum and time structure 4. Test beam facility is underway for TASD and MND with possible synergies with LAGUNA liquid technologies 5. feedback on organization and focus is welcome