EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty EAPN Fundraising Strategy Fintan Farrell, Director Executive Committee Meeting Athens - Nov 2012 EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DES ASSOCIATIONS DE LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETÉ ET L’EXCLUSION SOCIALE
Structure of Presentation EAPN Fund EAPN Fundraising Strategy Current Agreement regarding the spending from the Fund Amounts spent in 2012; Amount available in 2013 Actions needed
EAPN Fund – the reasons for it Monitoring the financial situation of EAPN members and the reality of cuts in public funding for NGOs has led EAPN to develop a fundraising strategy. Goal 2 of the 2012-2014 EAPN Strategic Plan seeks to ensure a sustainable, member-driven organisation. Why with KBF: Experience, credibility, ethical investment
EAPN Fund A Fund established by EAPN within KBF Three Broad Objectives Ensuring the development of EAPN and its National Networks Increase the impact of participation of activists with direct experience of poverty A biennial Prize for Transnational Learning
EAPN Fund Management Management Committee: 4 people appointed by EAPN (renewed after each Bureau is appointed), 1 independent person, 1 representative of KBF and 1 agreed independent Chair Secretariat of the Management Committee by KBF Seek agreement in EAPN Executive for the proposals brought by the EAPN representatives to the Management Committee
EAPN Fundraising Strategy Sponsorship Events (row4rights) Target 300.000 Euro, each year, in 3-5 Years Major Donor Programme (working with French company) Target 1.300.000, each year, in 3-5 Years Individual Donor Programme (In development)
Principles/Constraints to inform spending Support EAPN Matching Funds requirements For example, the Prize will be in EAPN’s core programme but paid for from the Fund. Likewise, alliance-building will be for alliance activities that arise in our core work programme. Spread of Support The Fund has a special role to increase the financial capacity of National Networks. This shouldn't mean just spreading the funds equally but it does imply an effort to support as many Networks as possible over time . It should also take account of which Networks get support from our Projects approach. Transparency The Fund management should be transparent in the way funds are spent and should seek to build on inputs from EAPN members.
Current Agreement on spending from the Fund Spending by objective: 1. Ensuring the development of EAPN and its National Networks 10% to build up Capital, 40% solidarity Fund for NNs, 10% solidarity Fund for EOs, 5% EU Alliance Building, 5% International Cooperation, 2. Increase the impact of participation of activists with direct experience of poverty 10% Initiatives to support PEP engagement (this goal is also mainstreamed in actions under all the other goals of the Fund) 3. A biennial Prize for Transnational Learning 5% for Prize In addition: 5% Admin and 10% X factor
Spending from the Fund in 2012 Amount Available (86.831,00 Euro) Solidarity Fund NN: (10.000 EAPN Netherlands) (10.000 loan to EAPN Hungary) International Cooperation (1000 Ekta Parishad) Prize (5000) Support for PeP (Participation in Indian March 5000) EU Alliance Building (2000 event in Florence?) Capital Build Up (9000) Admin – for 2011 KBF has decided not to charge any amount for administration. For 2012, the amount will be informed based on the transactions from the Fund.
Amount Available in 2013 Carried Over from 2012 (44.831) & Outcome of R4R 2012 (approx 20.000) Individual donors (we will relaunch a call in 2012 for individual donations) Total 64.831 Available as per agreement (approximated numbers): 6400 to build up Capital, 25.000 solidarity Fund for NNs, 6400 solidarity Fund for EOs, 3200 EU Alliance Building, 3200 International Cooperation, 6400 support PEP engagement 3200 Prize 3200 Admin 6400 X Factor
What’s needed What work still needed on the Fund: Criteria for solidarity Fund National Networks (agreed in 2011 to develop it in 2012) Criteria for solidarity Fund EOs (outstanding request from SMES Europa) Development of the Prize Newsletter or other communication on the Fund
Thank you for your attention Fintan Farrell or Tanya Basarab For more information, please contact : Fintan Farrell or Tanya Basarab EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DE LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETÉ ET L’EXCLUSION SOCIALE SQUARE DE MEEUS, 18 – 1050 BRUSSELS TEL: 0032 2 226 58 50 – FAX: 0032 2 26 58 69 www.eapn.eu - team@eapn.eu