Mid- Infrared Spectroscopic Properties of IR QSOs


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Presentation transcript:

Mid- Infrared Spectroscopic Properties of IR QSOs XiaoYang, Xia Center for Astrophysics Tianjin Normal University

Outline Infrared Luminous QSOs (IR QSO) Spitzer IRS Spectra of IR QSOs

ULIRGs  Optical selected QSOs (sanders, 1988) gas-falling to center of galaxy Merger of gas-rich galaxies ULIRGs feedback QSOs 气体耗尽, 尘 埃被完全吹散 图取自 Hopkins et al. (2008)

Mrk 231 Canalizo & Stockton (2001) Mrk231

The Coeval Growth of Black Holes and their host Spheriods IR QSOs are at Transition Stage from Merger to QSOs, then to Ellipticals The Coeval Growth of Black Holes and their host Spheriods

The statistical properties of IR QSOs at optical and infrared bands The optical spectoscopic properties The infrared properties

IR QSO Sample QDOT IRAS galaxy sample (Lawrence et al. 1999) 1 Jy ULIRGs sample (Kim & Sanders 1998) IRAS-ROSAT cross-identification sample (Moran et al. 1996) A sample of 31 IR QSOs (z<0.35),takes a fraction of about 25% in local universe. Based on the sample, statistical results should be representative.

Z=6 Z=6 Z=6 Carilli et al. 2007

Sample 19 IR QSOs Hao et al. 2005, 15 have both low & high –res obs. 35 ULIRGs IRAS 1-Jy sample and Spitzer GTO #105 + High-resolution mid-IR data, Farrah et al. (2007) 20 PG QSOs Spitzer GTO & GO #14, 3187 & 20142, with enough S/N, z<0.27 + PG QSOs from QUEST (Schweitzer et al. 2006)

How to measure the SFR at QSOs Torus of QSOs could give FIR emission Haas et al. 2003 Lir/Lco, Lir/L(HCN) are higher for QSOs than those of ULIRGs Evens et al. 2007

Spitzer IRS observations for IR QSO Cao Chen et al. 2007 19 IR QSOs have been observed By Spitzer IRS Results

Sample 19 IR QSOs Hao et al. 2005, 15 have both low & high –res obs. 35 ULIRGs IRAS 1-Jy sample and Spitzer GTO #105 + High-resolution mid-IR data, Farrah et al. (2007) 20 PG QSOs Spitzer GTO & GO #14, 3187 & 20142, with enough S/N, z<0.27 + PG QSOs from QUEST (Schweitzer et al. 2006)

The Mid-IR Spectra of IR QSOs Mid-IR slop PAH emissions Fine-structure line emissions

③ The low resolution mid-infrared spectra of IR QSOs


③ Fine structure line [NeII] 12.81m  SFR indicator in QSOs SFR log L(PAH 6.2m)∕L⊙

③ Feedback may play role to suppress both star formation and AGN ˙ SFR Anti-correlated SFR MBH ˙ H blueshift

Summary Mid-IR to Far-IR slop reflects the relative contribution from central AGN and SF NeII is a good indicator for SFR Feedback plays role on suppressing both starburst and AGN

Further works Molecular gas content by IRAM 30m Herschel observations on high-z QSOs

Thank you

The diverse properties of Mid-IR spectra of ULIRGs Silicate absorption The diverse properties of Mid-IR spectra of ULIRGs Molecular disk/ring at ULIRGs

Sample 19 IR QSOs (Hao et al. 2005) 20 PG QSOs 的中红外光谱数据 (Schweitzer et al. 2006) 35 ULIRGs (from IRAS 1Jy sample, Kim & Sanders 1998)

红外类星体 (IR QSOs) — 具有I-型活动星系核光学光谱 特征的极亮红外星系; — 多呈现并合晚期的形态; Mrk 231 红外类星体 (IR QSOs) — 具有I-型活动星系核光学光谱 特征的极亮红外星系; — 多呈现并合晚期的形态; — 拥有较高的恒星形成率与黑洞吸积率; — 很可能是由 ULIRGs 到光学选类星体 (如 PG QSOs) 演化 过程中的过渡源。 IRAS 中-远红外双色图 Canalizo & Stockton (2001)