Understanding the Faith Chapter1


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Presentation transcript:

Understanding the Faith Chapter1 Why Worldviews? Understanding the Faith Chapter1

Why Christianity and not other religions? How would answer this question: Christianity is just one of many ways, why are you so sure that Christianity is the Only Way?

Our World, Our Society We live in a ___________ Society Pluralism – the ________ there are _________ paths to God and they are all ________to Salvation

What is A worlDview What is a worldview? The _________ through which we _________ at the world. A worldview asks these ?s: Is there a ______? Is so, what is he _______?x How did ____ get here? _____ am I here? What is the _________ and _________ of life? Is there a difference between _________ and ________?

Ideas Flow in Complex Patterns Ideas – a __________ or ____________as to a possible course of action. Ideas _______ our ________ and influence our __________. Ideas spread like ___________. Discuss: What have been some bad ideas throughout history?

5 Major Areas/Questions A worldview must answer Origin – Where did we come from? Identity – Who are we? Meaning – What is ________ and ______, and How do we know? Morality – How should we ______? Destiny – what happens next?

What does the Bible say about these areas? The Sons of Issachar, 1 Chronicles 12:32 Deuteronomy 10:12 – Walk in His Ways If we understand the ________ way, the _______ way will become evident. If we know how to stay, we can discern when we (and others) deviate from the path (Romans 1:18- 21).

Can We know anything? Epistemology – branch of philosophy that addresses ____________. Epistemology says _____, we can know ___________. But, Can we know ___________?

Can we know everything? No, we cannot know everything _____________? However, we can know it _________. Some say we cannot know __________ outside our personal _________ and that we must get in touch with __________ to find True knowledge. This is called ___________.

Relativism Relativism – the Idea that __________, _________and __________ depend on the Individual, _____________ or ___________ situation. Can you Give an Example of this? P. 16-17 of the Book.

IS it Godly to Seek Knowledge? Romans 12:1-2 Ephesians 4:17-22 Some say it is a _________of time and even _________ to talk about non-Christian Ideas. Do you agree with the Above Statement? 1 Corinthians 1:20;25

Is it godly to Seek Knowledge? Colossians 2:8 Does this passage prohibit Christians from studying Philosophy? No To Know something about a Subject Means to be Acquainted with the ______ and ________surrounding it.

God Does Care about what we know. Ps. 19:1-4 Prov. 2:6 Prov. 18:15 Hosea 4:6 Phil. 1:9

Why Isn’t knowledge Important to the Christian? Nancy Pearcy, professor and Author, says Christians have created an ____________ separation between ________ (what is demonstrably True) and __________ (What is important)

TWO-Concept Story of Truth VALUES: Private, Subjective, relative Facts: Public, Objective, Universal JP Moreland Quote, Pg. 24 of the Book.

What is the problem with the two-Concept Story of Truth The Problem with this division of truth Into Facts and values: Matters of Science become _________ Facts Matters of ethics and Theology become ___________ opinions It leads to the assumption that Science is a matter for the mind while faith is a matter for the heart.

What does it Mean to Have Authority? Two Definitions according to The Concise Oxford Dictionary: (1) The Power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce Obedience, (2) The power to Influence others, especially because of one’s commanding manner or one’s recognized knowledge about something The Authors label the first definition as “Hard” authority and the second as “Soft” Authority.

Hard Authority _____________ Resides in Office rather than person. Ex. : General in the Armed Forces Both Parties understand that one has standing over another. Commands obedience because it is _____________ If you resist; there will be Consequences

Soft Authority ______________ Resides within the Person. A person who obeys does so because they trust the person Persuades Obedience rather than ____________ It It is nonpunitive. One may face consequences but they aren’t breaking the Law.

What Kind of Authority does God Have? Both hard and soft authority. That authority is revealed in the Bible One of three Responses: Willingly Obey Know you should Obey, but struggle Reject God’s Authority

Evaluating Authority Evaluating Authority becomes hard to do when one is filled with _________ Most people who have considered Christianity have doubted some of its claims: How do I know the Bible is ______? If something is in the Bible, do I ________ to Obey it? What does the Bible say about obeying ___________? Am I ___________ to obey the bible, even if those who say they believe it don’t obey its teachings?

Evaluating Authority While these are important questions, they are not sufficient to cause doubt. If the balance of evidence shows Christianity to be true and authoritative, then it’s reasonable to accept it.

What is Biblical Faith? Can faith and Knowledge go together? The Christian would say “it isn’t about facts, but about Faith” The Non-Christian would say “it’s about facts, not faith.”

What is biblical Faith? Biblical Faith is based on knowledge, NOT __________ obedience. Colossians 1:9-10 What makes Faith Valid is not that we have it but that the __________ of our belief is actually worthy of belief. Theologian David Clark says, "Faith derives its value not from the intensity of the believer but from the genuineness of the one He/she believes in. True faith is faith in the right object; faith in an unfaithful person is worthless or worse."

Doubt So what do we do when we Doubt? Tim Keller, “A faith without some doubts is like a human body without any antibodies in it. People who blithely go through life too busy or indifferent to ask hard Questions about why they believe as they do will find themselves defenseless against either the experience of Tragedy or the probing questions of a smart skeptic. A person’s faith can collapse almost overnight if she has failed over the years to listen patiently to her own doubts, which should only be discarded after long reflection.”

What do we do with Doubt? Be _________ about what is bothering you! You should gather the _______ to seek for answers

Are we prepared? Summit ministries has discovered some alarming Findings about Christian Young Adults: They are unprepared for opposition The Cannot mount a Defense They are failing at spiritual disciplines They feel alienated from God.

So, Why Should an 11th Grader study Theology? Because you already have somewhat solidified your beliefs. Because the world is consistently telling you to change with the culture Because you can handle it. Because these are some of the most formative years of your life. Because the study of theology is an avenue for you to love God with your mind. Because you need to know sound doctrine in order to combat false doctrine