Understanding the symbolism or Types in the Jewish Wedding for Believers
Yom Kippur / Bride/Believer made Holy The Wedding Day- Yom Kippur / Bride/Believer made Holy Forgiven of all sins through faith in Messiah Groom Kabbalat Panim Separation until marriage-purity In the world but no of the world. New Creature in Messiah
Badeken-Veiling Grooms Protection of the Special Bride Inner beauty of Believer Separate for God Purity of Believer for God Chuppah- Dwelling Tabernacle and Provision God’s Spiritual Blessings for Believers God’s promise of Eternal Life with him
Blessings of Betrothal (Kiddushin) Yeshua acquirers His bride the Church Believers commitments to Yeshua Yeshua’s commitments to Believers Preparing for the return of Messiah and Marriage Giving of the Ring Sealed by Holy Spirit Bought at the price by Yeshua's atoning sacrifice
Ketubah (Marriage Contract) New Covenant The Seven Blessings Completion
Destruction of Jerusalem- Tribulation Yichud Breaking the Glass Destruction of Jerusalem- Tribulation Yichud Privacy / Rapture / Church removed from the world The Festive Meal (Seudah) Messianic Age and Wedding Feast