Ezek 33:7 “So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me.”


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Presentation transcript:

Ezek 33:7 “So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me.”

Babylonian Captivity 1st Group 606 BC 2nd Group 597 BC (Ezekiel) 3rd Group 586 BC

Outline of Ezekiel I. Judgment on Jerusalem (1‑24) A. Call of the prophet (1‑3) B. A Disobedient nation (4‑7) C. Glory departs (8‑11) D. Disciplined nation (12‑24) II Judgment on the Gentile Nations (25‑32) III. Restoration of God’s People (33‑48) A. Return to their land (33‑36) B. New life and unity (37) C. Protected from their enemies (38‑39) D. Worship the Lord acceptably (40‑48) ‑Outline adapted from Baxter & Weirsbe Outline of Ezekiel

1. Ezekiel’s role and responsibility as a prophet (33) a. Role as a watchman (33:1-22) (1) Watchman must warn or else he is responsible (vv. 1-9) (2) God wants none to die, but he judges each man according to his works (vv. 10-20) (3) Word finally reaches Babylon that Jerusalem is destroyed (21-22) b. Wrong attitude of the remnant left in Judah (33:23-29) c. Wrong attitude of the exiles in Babylon (33:30-33) 2. The Shepherds of God’s people (34) 3. The destiny of Edom - a perpetual desolation (35:1-15) Outline of Ezekiel 33 ‑Outline adapted from R. Harkrider

a. Role as a watchman (33:1-22) (1) Watchman must warn or else he is responsible (vv. 1-9) (2) God wants none to die, but he judges each man according to his works (vv. 10-20) (3) Word finally reaches Babylon that Jerusalem is destroyed (21-22) b. Wrong attitude of the remnant left in Judah (33:23- 29) c. Wrong attitude of the exiles in Babylon (33:30-33)

Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work God's Watchman Ezekiel 33 I. Individual Responsibility (vv. 4-5) Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work

Individual Responsibility A. We often blame others for our sin 1. Gen. 3:12 – Man blamed the woman 2. Luke 15:29 – Elder son blamed the father 3. May use another’s sin as an excuse for ours a. “If you had not….. I would not have….” b. “If he had only…. I would never have…” c. “Reason I don’t…. is because my mate….” Individual Responsibility

Individual Responsibility A. We often blame others for our sin B. To make application to self 1. Easy to see how “he” / “she” needed that sermon 2. Take a look at self (2 Cor. 13:5) - “That applies to me” - “That’s where I have fallen short” - “I have sinned” (Lk. 15:21) Individual Responsibility

Individual Responsibility A. We often blame others for our sin B. To make application to self C. Some things must do for self – no one can do it for you 1. Believe (John 8:24) 2. Repent (Acts 17:30-31) 3. Baptized (Mark 16:16) 4. Worship (John 4:24) 5. Give (1 Cor. 16:1-2) 6. Confess (Jas. 5:16) 7. Study (Acts 17:11) Individual Responsibility

Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work God's Watchman Ezekiel 33 I. Individual Responsibility (vv. 4-5) II. The Need for a Watchman (v. 7) Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work

To Warn! A. About sin (Jas. 1:15; Rom. 6:23) B. Temporal consequences (Prov. 13:15) C. Judgment (2 Cor. 5:10-11) D. Hell (Matt. 25:41) E. Dangers (Acts 20:29-31) F. Where things could lead (Deut. 6:12) The Need For A Watchman

Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work God's Watchman Ezekiel 33 I. Individual Responsibility (vv. 4-5) II. The Need for a Watchman (v. 7) III. The Reason Behind – Pleas & Warnings (v. 11) Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work

God’s Cares & Wants You to Be Saved A. God does not want any to be lost 1. 1 Tim. 2:4 – would have all men to be saved… 2. 2 Pet. 3:9-10 – not willing that any should perish The Reason Behind Pleas & Warnings

God’s Cares & Wants You to Be Saved A. God does not want any to be lost B. God’s grace – teaches us 1. Titus 2:11-12 – should deny (say no) to ungodliness 2. Grace = his favor, love, mercy, kindness The Reason Behind Pleas & Warnings

God’s Cares & Wants You to Be Saved A. God does not want any to be lost B. God’s grace – teaches us C. Every plea, rebuke, warning, correction is because God cares – wants you to be saved D. Misconception: “I don’t need to be preached to – I need love!” 1. God sent a watchman because he loved them 2. Rev. 3:19 – “as many as I love I rebuke…” The Reason Behind Pleas & Warnings

Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work God's Watchman Ezekiel 33 I. Individual Responsibility (vv. 4-5) II. The Need for a Watchman (v. 7) III. The Reason Behind – Pleas & Warnings (v. 11) IV. All the Past Does Not Matter When Change (vv. 12ff) Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work

All The Past Does Not Matter A. We often live in the past 1. We live on our past – of what we were! 2. We grieve over our past – of what we’ve done! All The Past Does Not Matter When You Change

All The Past Does Not Matter A. We often live in the past B. Can overcome a lifetime of sin – if change 1. Matters not – what or how much sin. 2. God promises to forgive (Jer. 31:31-34; 1 Jno. 1:7) 3. Eleventh hour workers – rec. same (Matt. 20:9-11) 4. Corinthians overcame (1 Cor. 6:9-11) All The Past Does Not Matter When You Change

All The Past Does Not Matter A. We often live in the past B. Can overcome a lifetime of sin – if change C. Can throw away a lifetime of righteous – if change 1. Matters not – how long you were faithful 2. Christians can change (Gal. 5:4) 2. Sin – condemns the soul (Jas. 5:19-20) All The Past Does Not Matter When You Change

Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work God's Watchman Ezekiel 33 I. Individual Responsibility (vv. 4-5) II. The Need for a Watchman (v. 7) III. The Reason Behind – Pleas & Warnings (v. 11) IV. All the Past Does Not Matter When Change (vv. 12ff) V. Repentance Requires a Change (vv. 14-15) Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work

Repentance Requires A Change A. Turn from evil Thayer: “to change one’s mind for the better, heartily to amend with abhorrence of one’s past sins” (405). W. E. Vine says “this change of mind involves both a turning from sin and a turning to God” (III: 281). Kittel’s Theological Dictionary Of The New Testament suggest that repentance involves turning away from evil (IV: 1004). A. T. Robertson said that when John called upon his hearers to repent, “John did not call on people to be sorry, but to change their mental attitudes and conduct” (Word Pictures In The New Testament, I: 24) Repentance Requires A Change

Nineveh “…repented at the A. Turn from evil B. Cease the sin Nineveh “…repented at the preaching of Jonah…” (Matt. 12:41) “…they turned from their evil way…” (Jonah 3:10) Repentance Requires A Change

Repentance Requires A Change A. Turn from evil B. Cease the sin C. If there is not change – no repentance (Rev. 9:20-21) D. Far more than: - “Reporting” what you’ve done - Being sorry about the sin - Mere change (without contrition) Repentance Requires A Change

Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work God's Watchman Ezekiel 33 I. Individual Responsibility (vv. 4-5) II. The Need for a Watchman (v. 7) III. The Reason Behind – Pleas & Warnings (v. 11) IV. All the Past Does Not Matter When Change (vv. 12ff) V. Repentance Requires a Change (vv. 14-15) VI. Account for Self – Not as Family, Church (v. 20) Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work

Account For Self – Not Family, Church A. Judged according to own doings 1. 2 Cor. 5:10 – each one will receive… 2. Rom. 14:12 – each one give an account of himself Account For Self – Not Family, Church

Account For Self – Not Family, Church A. Judged according to own doings B. Judgment based upon YOUR life 1. Not by families - [family is faithful] (Ezek 18) 2. Not by churches – [member of sound group] - Rev. 3:4 – few not defiled - Rev. 2:14-15 – have those who… Account For Self – Not Family, Church Everyone around you could be saved & you still be lost! Everyone around you could be lost & you still be saved!

Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work God's Watchman Ezekiel 33 I. Individual Responsibility (vv. 4-5) II. The Need for a Watchman (v. 7) III. The Reason Behind – Pleas & Warnings (v. 11) IV. All the Past Does Not Matter When Change (vv. 12ff) V. Repentance Requires a Change (vv. 14-15) VI. Account for Self – Not as Family, Church (v. 20) VII. Things That Do Not Cover Sin (vv. 23-33) Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work

Things That Do Not Cover Sin A. Who you are (vv. 23-29) 1. “Member of the church of Christ” 2. Family known far & wide for stand for truth 3. Someone of influence – power 4. One who has done a lot for the church Things That Do Not Cover Sin

Sins 1. Eat meat with blood (v. 25) 2. Idolatry (v. 25) 3. Shed blood (v. 25) 4. Rely on sword (v. 26) 5. Adultery (v. 26)

Things That Do Not Cover Sin A. Who you are (vv. 23-29) B. Good talk (vv. 30-33) 1. How we love the Lord 2. How great the sermon was 3. “I needed that – stepped on my toes” 4. Way we ought to live – how concerned we are about those who don’t… Things That Do Not Cover Sin

Things That Do Not Cover Sin A. Who you are (vv. 23-29) B. Good talk (vv. 30-33) C. Merely listening to truth (vv. 30-33) Things That Do Not Cover Sin

Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work God's Watchman Ezekiel 33 I. Individual Responsibility (vv. 4-5) II. The Need for a Watchman (v. 7) III. The Reason Behind – Pleas & Warnings (v. 11) IV. All the Past Does Not Matter When Change (vv. 12ff) V. Repentance Requires a Change (vv. 14-15) VI. Account for Self – Not as Family, Church (v. 20) VII. Things That Do Not Cover Sin (vv. 23-33) Lessons Learned From A Watchman’s Work