Forestfireprotection in Poland and Europe
Forest layout
Forest wealth
Forest resources
European forests are not homogeneous European forests are not homogeneous. The climate and geographical location have an influence on their shape and and characteristic features. In Europe we can observe a few types of forest: leafy, coniferous and assorted. Climatic zones characterize the given area in terms of flora and fauna variety.
Caring for the forests A lot of organisations note that cutting down forests contribute to the reduction of ’’Earth’s green lungs” and ecosystem itself. They created a new idea to save trees and animals. They estabilished national parks and national nature reserves, where human activity was totally limited. The first national park was made in Sarek in 1921 in Sweden.
Forest protection foundations
How to save forests? Forests are the most needed thing in the world. They have a significant impact on our lives. The most important thing is to save them, because they are exposed to many dangers: clipping, parasites, illness and huge fires. During the periods of drought the forestry service should take care of trees, because a dry tree can be easily exposed to fire.
How to save forests? Making bonfires in forests is prohibited. It sometimes happens that during a drought we can’t even go into the forest because it can be dangerous to our lives. We should clean the forests: we mustn’t put litter there, glass bottles, cigarette butts, because it is harmful to the trees and to us as well.
Bibliografia autor Sylwia Aptacy
Autorzy Martyna Mielimonka Klaudia Wojaczek Michał Szkuta Zespół Szkół Technicznych nr 1 w Rybniku Klasa 3 To