Welcome to Back to School Night
Grading Straight percentage scale: 90 - 100% - A “Exceeds grade level standards” 80 - 89% - B “Above grade level standards” (In 3rd grade, ‘E’ = an A or B) 70 - 79% - C “Meets grade level standards” (In 3rd grade, ‘G’ = a C) 69% and below – “Not yet meeting standards” (In 3rd grade, ‘P’ = a D, and a ‘N’ = F) Correct and return with assistance Quizzes and tests cannot be corrected Parent Connect, Zangle Grade Book, progress reports
Grouping All groups are flexible Cover the same standards Groups based on needs & strengths Assignments in agenda and on web pages
Daily Schedule 8:10 – 8:30 Opening stuff 8:30 – 10:20 Language Arts 10:20 – 10:38 Recess 10:40 – 12:05 Math 12:05 – 12:48 Lunch 1:00 – 2:50 M,T,W Social Studies & Science Th Art or Music F Computer Lab, and ‘stuff’ Special programs to be scheduled: Technology, science lab, theater arts class
Volunteer Opportunities Olivas Adobe field trip on Monday, February 26 Gold Rush Day in May Room Parent - liason between class & PTO All volunteers must fill out a Volunteer Information Form, and attach a photo i.d.
Homework District guidelines are 40 minutes for a 4th grader practice & responsibility sign and return if having difficulty book report projects Homework Passes
Homework Center info
Management Be ready, responsible, respectful, and resourceful. behavior badges Class Cash marbles, table tickets, and spirit tickets CHAMPS
Communication My e-mail is sross@pvsd.k12.ca.us agenda books Monday Awards and Monday Notes Mondays and Fridays are great days to check backpacks! Our web page is http://www.pvsd.k12.ca.us//Domain/201