Let’s begin with a question. What is literacy? Take a sticky note and write no more than two sentences about literacy and what it means to you. Place this sticky face down on your table.
It is not okay for students not to have time to read It is not okay for students not to have time to read. This is not negotiable. If there is not enough time, what can we get rid of? Dr. Mary Howard
Access, Choice, and Time with Text A Workshop Approach for Adolescents A.C.T. NOW! Access, Choice, and Time with Text A Workshop Approach for Adolescents
THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TIME OF THE DAY! Books, Books, Books! -On the first day of school, students will complete a book pass which will expose them to different levels and genres of books. -They will complete a Someday List which will become a catalog of books they want to read. -Students will begin every class by reading from their chosen text for 30 minutes. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TIME OF THE DAY!
Books, Books, Books! -Students will read and write every day, from bell to bell . -Teacher will complete 10 minute mini- lessons followed by guided and independent practice. -This practice will allow the students to apply the learned concept to a variety of text including teacher selected nonfiction and their chosen text.
Books, Books, Books! -Teachers will model strategies, use mentor text, and conference with students. -Students take the books home to continue their reading and thinking! -Remember… Access, Choice, and Time.
SUPPORTING LITERACY ACROSS THE CONTENTS Anchor Charts, Vocabulary, and Annotations!
Anchor Charts/What is Round Robin Reading? Prior to reading the article, complete the Anticipation Guide. Next, read the article. While reading, determine whether you answered the statements correctly AND annotate the text using the close reading table mats.
Anchor Charts/What is Round Robin Reading? Prior to reading the article, complete the Anticipation Guide. Next, read the article. While reading, determine whether you answered the statements correctly AND annotate the text using the close reading table mats.
Anchor Charts/What is Round Robin Reading? After reading, review your annotations. Choose one of your notes to put on the anchor chart as a pro or a con for Round Robin Reading. Finally, partner read aloud with your neighbor.
Vocabulary/Student Word Walls Students can record vocabulary on index cards. On each card they will create an image and write synonyms or other clue words about the word’s meaning. Students can keep their individual word walls in a folder.
All Contents Read and Write -Use table mats to annotate text while students read. Writing is Thinking. For example, science can read journals/articles. History can read primary/secondary sources. -Students can also write to justify an answer/response. This can be done in math as well!
All Contents Read and Write -Picture books can be used to introduce a topic/concept. Students can then journal about the story that was read aloud. -Ask the students to put their book on the corner of their desks. If they have completed an assignment or if they are waiting for the next set of directions, they can read!
All Contents Read and Write -Students will continue to read as soon as they enter homeroom from the buses. (Remember, they all have a book in their backpacks.) -While reading lights should be on and no music should be playing -Students partner read or read silently. -DEAR (County Competition)
If kids can’t take books home, and we don’t give them time to read at school, WHY HAVE BOOKS? Dr. Richard Allington