I look forward to working with you this semester! Foods and Nutrition 1 - - - - Course syllabus 2016-2017- - - ……………………………………………………………………………...…………… contact information Ms. Marissa Cohen Room 8 Marissa.cohen@fhsdschools.org 636-851-4974 Plan: 10:12-11:04 M,T,TH,F 10:17-10:57 W Voicemail and email are checked daily and will be returned by the end of the next school day. I am here to help my students. Students can schedule a time to come in before or after school or during homeroom to work and/or receive extra help. Course description Prerequisite: None Foods and Nutrition I is a beginner-level course that will evaluate individual eating habits and learn how to safely prepare nutritious foods. The primary focus will be preparation and storage of food items, safety and sanitation, equipment and measuring, and nutrition and food labels. Students will have project-based lab experiences preparing fruits, vegetables, eggs, grains, dairy products, casseroles, cookies, quick breads, and ground meat/poultry. ……………………………………………………………………………...…………… ………………………………………….. Grading components A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F Below 60% Any discrepancies you notice in posted grades should be reported to me immediately. Grading Scale Student grades will be on a total point value. Grades will be posted to Infinite Campus. ……………………………………………………………………………...…………. Expectations Textbook Each student will be assigned a textbook to use during class time and will be responsible for taking care of it and returning that text at the end of each class period. Textbooks may be checked out for home use as necessary. If the text is not returned or damaged, a fine will be assessed to that student, not to exceed $85.00. I look forward to working with you this semester! Be Respectful. Be Prepared. Be on Time, …………………………………..
……………………………………………………………………………...…………… ………………………….. Homework Policy Most work will be completed during class time. Periodically students will be required to complete assignments at home and return them on the due date. Required Supplies Composition Book Writing Utensil Community Supplies Scotch or packing tape Glue Stick Box of Kleenex ……………………………………………………………………………...…………… Make Up Work Policy One day grace period will be given for each day of excused absence. Work can be found in the file cabinet in the front of the classroom, or picked up before school or at a prearranged time. You are expected to make up all missed foods labs throughout the semester. You will need to get the lab make-up sheet from Ms. Cohen and follow the instructions on the sheet. You will need to complete the missed lab at home at your earliest convenience but no later than the end of the current academic quarter. It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to ask about missed assignments. Late Work Policy Late work will be reduced by 10 percentage points each day after the due date until the maximum possible grade becomes a 50%. After that, the assignment can be turned in for no more than 50% possible credit. No assignment can be submitted within the final two weeks of each quarter. ………………………….. ………………………… ……………………………………………………….….. Electronics Policy No electronics or headphones are allowed in the classroom unless being used in the educational process as directed by the instructor. Electronics should be placed in backpacks or purses, out of sight and sound. Extra Credit Extra credit is offered on a limited basis and will be directly related to the curriculum in this class.