Welcome to Mrs. McKenzie’s English 2 Class! You need the following: Grab a green syllabus on the purple table Take out a sheet of paper and start answering questions
Objective Today you will understand rules and procedures for Mrs. McKenzie’s classroom, as well as UHS for the 2017-2018 school year. Get to know each other so this year isn’t so scary….and awkward…and weird.
Agenda Welcome back introduction Rules and Procedures Overview Syllabus Misc items to chat about Remind
A little about me… Spirit Squad!!!
Tardy Policy Mrs. McKenzie’s (and UHS’s) Policy: 1st Tardy = Warning 2nd-3rd Tardy = Parent Contact 4th Tardy = Referral* (* = Note: that every individual tardy after the 3rd one will EACH warrant a referral.)
Supplies Please come to class prepared EVERY DAY!! If you borrow a pencil, it is not for forever. Please return it so I have it in the event you might need again some day. Syllabus supply review – please have these NO LATER than Monday so we can stay organized throughout the year.
Heading Papers No Name = No Grade! You should title your paper as follows: Name Date Period
Misc. Stuff Food policy Grading Projects A snack is fine…but you MUST clean up! This can be revoked if it becomes a distraction. Grading I grade as quickly as I can. Typically, this occurs withing 48-72 hours. Don’t ask me…just know that I am working on it. 1 of me….150 of you Projects You will typically have up to 10 days notice before a project is due.
Absent? Go to uhstitans.com Visit Me …Elizabeth McKenzie Check out the calendar and select the date you were not here. There will be PowerPoints, Handouts, etc. All of it is important. If you missed a day with a handout – there will be a copy with your name on it in the cascading folders on the binder cart.
Respect Please don’t be rude, I’m here for you. Talking is distracting to everyone.
Cell Phones All cell phones belong in backpacks/purses/fanny packs UNLESS I have stated otherwise on the material list for that day on the board. I’m not responsible for ANY lost or damaged phones if you break my policy. 1st Infraction: Warning 2nd Infraction: Parent Contact/Referral 3rd Infraction: Referral and Parent Pickup Charging is not allowed in my class. Remember to do this the night before. There is a charge station in the courtyard.
Due Dates Due dates are final. If you miss a due date, I will then add rigor to the assignment and set a deadline (usually 5 school days after initial date). If you do not complete your work on time, I cannot help you pass. If you are absent – you get one day for each day for CLASSWORK. If it was assigned (for example) a week in advance, it is due the next day you arrive. Otherwise you get additional rigor and a deadline.
Bath Pass Each student will be issued a hall pass card that looks like this: I will not write you a pass to another teacher unless they email me first; even then it isn’t a guarantee that I’ll excuse you. Bathroom: 3 per quarter (any more = call home) Locker: get it BEFORE you get here.
Recycling Bin ONLY PAPER goes in the bin! Please do not throw trash away in the recycling bin. Trash rules in general: All trash goes in the can. If you eat lunch in my room during tutoring hours, please throw your trash away in the bathroom. This will help keep bugs away!
Binders Please obtain a composition book by Friday 8/19 PLEASE no spirals – the wire comes out and becomes a dangerous mess. We will begin doing journals next week.
Yes it does & Yes, you DO!!
One more thing…Remind Please take out your phone. Text this number: 81010 Text this message: @1c209 Press send! You will now receive reminder messages from me
Textbooks Picking them up as a class! August 22nd is our pickup date
Open House Tuesday August 29th 6pm-8pm