CASAS, GED Academy, NEDP Competency Based Programs Presenters and date
CASAS Nonprofit educational research organization Established in 1981 as part of California Competency Based Education initiatives Core of CASAS is set of validated competencies essential for functioning in the community, family and workplace National External Diploma Program (NEDP) |
CASAS Provides research, program evaluation, and data services Assessment instruments that link assessment to instruction Assessment instruments are competency based, linked to students’ experiences and needs National External Diploma Program (NEDP) |
CASAS Employability Competency System (ECS) Reading and Math Employment related test series . ECS Pre-Employment/Work Maturity Checklists Checklists assess job readiness skills Workforce Skills Portfolios Portfolios facilitate development of a workforce skills project-based portfolio. Workforce Skills Certificate System (WSCS) Assesses work-related academic skills and soft skills National External Diploma Program (NEDP) |
GED Academy Smart educational software Personal learning or study plan created for students Assessment identifies gaps in learner’s knowledge and skills Includes Online Study, Practice Tests, Personal Tutor National External Diploma Program (NEDP) |
National External Diploma Program Performance-based evaluation Competency-based approach Focused on life and work skills Self-paced and flexible National External Diploma Program (NEDP) |
National External Diploma Program Appropriate for ESL and special needs learners Encourages learner self-efficacy and active engagement National External Diploma Program (NEDP) |
National External Diploma Program NEDP competencies emphasize 21st century skills required for the successful transition to postsecondary education and/or the workforce: Communication and Media Literacy Applied Math/Numeracy Information and Communication Technology Cultural Literacy (Literature and Film) Health Literacy Civic Literacy and Community Participation Geography and History Consumer Awareness and Financial Literacy Science 21st Century Workplace National External Diploma Program (NEDP) |
NEDP Graduate Survey Current Status Future Plans 42% have full time job only 23% are working and are attending college/training 10% are attending college/training only 12% are not employed or attending college/training Future Plans 51.1% plan certificate or associate degree 31.4% plan bachelor’s degree 11.7% plan certified apprenticeship program 11% plan no further education or training National External Diploma Program (NEDP) |
University Competency Based Programs Submitted to Department of Education for eligibility for federal financial aid: University of Michigan University of Wisconsin System Perdue University Western Governors University Southern New Hampshire University Capella University Northern Arizona University National External Diploma Program (NEDP) |
Contacts CASAS, NEDP GED Academy Margaret Kirkpatrick 800-255-1036, ext 181 GED Academy 800-460-8150 National External Diploma Program (NEDP) |