Patterns in Evolution
Divergent Evolution Defined: closely related species become increasingly different Cause: Differing environments Ex: Red fox (forest) vs. Kit fox (desert)
Kaibab Squirrel (Grand Canyon)
Convergent Evolution Defined: different species evolve similar traits due to similar habitats Survival advantages to particular environments Ex: Tuna (fish) and dolphins (mammals) Unrelated species with a similar environment (ocean)
Dragonfly Convergent Evolution
Coevolution Defined: 2 or more species evolve in response to changes in each other Ex: Plants and Insects Plants: provide insects with nectar Insect: transfers pollen from one plant to another
Hummingbirds: Beak shape depends on flower shape
Extinction Background Extinctions: Mass Extinctions: Less severe; local level Forest fires, habitat destruction Mass Extinctions: Very severe; global level 5 identified in earth’s history (volcanic activity, meteor strikes)
How Fast Does Evolution Occur? No exact time frame Gradualism: slow & steady change of 1 species into another Small changes continually build Punctuated Equilibrium: Rapid periods of evolution Due to sudden environment change Ex: Mammal diversity exploded after dinosaur extinction Examples of both models exist
Gradualism of the Horse
Review How is convergent and divergent evolution different? What is thought to bring different organisms such as fish and dolphins to have evolved a similar body plan? What is coevolution? What does a flower gain from a close relationship with a hummingbird? What does the hummingbird gain? How is gradualism and punctuated equilibrium different?