Bellwork: About Me Tree 1. Draw yourself like a tree
About Me Tree 2. On the leaves, label 10 things about yourself.
About Me Tree 3. On the roots, label 10 things, people, or events that have shaped who you are.
About Me Tree 4. Reflect: Do you see any connections between the leaves and the roots?
Box 1 - List 5 good things about America On the back of your Tree Page – Make three boxes: Box 1 - List 5 good things about America 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Box 2 - List 5 problems you see in America 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Box 3 - Reflect: What do you think are the roots of these (good things and problems)?
Homework – Family Tree for You or a Guardian/Parent