Macbeth Character Map Analysis


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Presentation transcript:

Macbeth Character Map Analysis Sashane Matthews 10th Grade College English 10 June 7,2013 Macbeth Character Map Analysis

Summary The title of the play is Macbeth, and it is by William Shakespeare. The play take place in medieval Scotland. Macbeth is a drama of blind ambition ,murder, guilt and revenge. In the beginning of the play Three witches tell Macbeth and Banquo their prophecies. Macbeth believes the witches 100% Banquo was not sure about it. Macbeth became blinded by is ambition. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth kill king Duncan in order to become king and Queen. Then Macbeth has Banquo killed and then starts killing more and more people.

Lady Macbeth-Macbeth “When you durst do it ,then you were a man”(Shakespeare 17). Lady Macbeth has influenced Macbeth to kill king Duncan when Macbeth was not confident killing king Duncan Lady Macbeth insult his manhood and compare him to a child and called him names .Macbeth and lady Macbeth don’t have a relationship the only relationship they have is their plan to kill king Duncan and taking over Scotland .their relationship affects the story because if they did not plan to kill the king. would not be a story.

Macbeth –Duncan “ I have begun to plant thee, and will labor to make thee full of growing” (Shakespeare 10). King Duncan and Macbeth had a great relationship in the beginning . King Duncan looks out for Macbeth and protects him . King Duncan influences Macbeth to be a good fighter when the traitor was betraying the king . King Duncan had the Thane of Cawdor killed, and gave his place to Macbeth. The relationship changes because at first king Duncan trusted Macbeth. Afterwards, Macbeth stabbed him in the back when he killed Duncan for his Kingship. Macbeth was blinded by his ambition he did not care about anything else but himself .Their relationship is important because Macbeth regrets killing the king but he was blinded by his ambition .

Banquo –The Three Witches “Thou shall get Kings, thou be none”(Shakespeare 6). The Three witches influence Banquo to believe he is a threat to Macbeth, because his Son’s Fleance will become king .The Impact that was cause in the relationship is superstition because the witches Cause Macbeth and Banquo to believes in a fake prophecies. Macbeth believes in the prophecies 100% .Banquo did not believe in the prophecies so much and the prophecies the witches give causes Betrayal between Macbeth and Banquo. The meaning of the relationship is the Unexpected because Banquo did not know Macbeth was going to be a traitor and stab him in the back.

Malcolm -Duncan “We will establish our estate upon our eldest, Malcolm”(Shakespeare 10). Duncan states that he will give his kingship to his older son Malcolm and Malcolm for him to become the ruler for Scotland. Macbeth does not agree with Malcolm becoming king he wants to become king and he will try to get Malcolm out the way for him to become king.