T.I.P.S. (Delete this slide when done) Choose/make your own PPT theme that fits your project. Choose relevant and appealing graphics that match your audience and topic. Design your slides as you wish - following good slide design. Non-linear features will be helpful. Add more slides as needed… Just keep navigation clear. Feel free to change the navigation that I have added. Keep this PPT and any related files in one folder. Keep track of Internet resources for the credits page. Remember, this is just a sample template. Change it as necessary!!
Put the Title of the Lesson Here WebQuest Template Put the Title of the Lesson Here A WebQuest for xth Grade _______(Put Subject Here) Designed by __________(Put Your Name Here) ________(Put Your E-mail Address Here) Put some interesting graphic representing the content somewhere on this slide. The navigation is made up of action buttons. Change/edit them as you need. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Introduction This part should be written with the student as the intended audience. Write a short introduction here to set the stage in an interesting way for the students. If there is a role or scenario involved (e.g., "You are a detective trying to identify the mysterious poet.") then here is where you'll mention that. If there's no motivational intro like that, use this section to provide a short advance organizer or overview. Remember that the purpose of this section is to both prepare and hook the students. It is also in this section that you'll communicate the Big Question (Essential Question, Guiding Question) that the whole WebQuest is centered around. Avoid giving too much detail here. Use a captivating image or even a video if you can find a relevant one (use keepvid.com to download it) Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
The Task Describe crisply and clearly what the end result of the learners' activities will be. The task could be a: - problem or mystery to be solved; position to be formulated and defended; product to be designed; complexity to be analyzed; personal insight to be articulated; summary to be created; persuasive message or journalistic account to be crafted; a creative work, or anything that requires the learners to process and transform the information they've gathered. If the final product involves using some tool {e.g., Inspiration, the Web, video, podcast}, mention it here. Don't list the steps that students will go through to get to the end point. That belongs in the Process section.) Let them know what the roles are that they will be playing. Be brief at this point. The specific role details will come in the Process section. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Don’t try to fit this all on 1 slide. Use your non-linear skills! The Process To accomplish the task, what steps should the learners go through? Use the numbered list format to automatically number the steps in the procedure. Remember that this whole document is addressed to the student. So describe the steps using the second person and in their language. Only give the necessary details at the time the student(s) will need it. 1.First you'll be assigned to a team of 3 students... 2.To investigate [topic/question here], you’ll each chose one of the following roles. Once you've picked a role to play.... (HINT: make a slide for each of the roles and link to them so students can check them out) 3.... and so on. Learners will access the on-line resources that you've identified as they go through the Process. You may have a set of links that everyone looks at as a way of developing background information, or not. If you break learners into roles, embed the links that each role will need/use within the description of that stage of the process or even on their individual role slides. Don’t put the resources that they will need/use in a separate section. In the Process block, you might also provide some guidance on how to organize the information gathered. This advice could suggestions to use flowcharts, summary tables, concept maps, or other organizing structures. The advice could also take the form of a checklist of questions to analyze the information with, or things to notice or think about. If you have identified or prepared guide documents that cover specific skills needed for this lesson (e.g. how to brainstorm, how to prepare to interview an expert, record-keeping sheets, graphic organizers, process checklists, charts,…), link them to this section. (make sure they are in your WebQuest project folder!!) Role 1 Role 2 Role 3 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Evaluation Describe to the learners (grade appropriate language and concepts here) how their performance will be evaluated. Specify whether there will be a common grade for group work vs. individual grades. You may want to use the following resources to help you generate a rubric that is specific to your webquest outcomes. If so, don’t forget to site them on your credits page. Kathy Schrock’s Rubrics page: http://school.discoveryeducation.com/schrockguide/assess.html Rubistar - http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php - TIP: You can LINK TO the rubric (word document, excel spreadsheet, etc…) if it won’t fit very well on a PPT slide. Keep the rubric that you create in the same folder as this PPT WebQuest. You can also insert a table on a slide to display the rubric… if it fits well and is readable. See Rubric Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Basic Rubric [example only] Must customize if you use it. 4 - Exemplary 3 - Accomplished 2 - Developing 1 - Beginning Task All areas of the task were addressed and handled with a high degree of sophistication. The plan followed by the team demonstrated a great deal of thought. At least one area of the task was not addressed. The plan followed by the team demonstrated a great deal of thought. At least two areas of the task were not addressed. The plan followed by the team demonstrated a moderate level of thought. The task is incomplete and/or it is apparent that little effort went into the development of the task. Process: Teamwork It is evident that a mutual effort and cohesive unit created the final product. The team worked well together, but could have utilized each other's skills to a better degree. The team had problems working together. Little collaboration occurred. The final product is not the result of a collaborative effort. The group showed no evidence of collaboration. Process: Originality The ideas expressed by the body of work demonstrate a high degree of originality. The ideas expressed by the body of work are mostly original. The group may have improved upon a previous idea. The ideas expressed by the body of work demonstrate a low degree of originality. There were no original ideas expressed in this project. Mathematics, Grammar, Format, and Spelling The final body of work was free of mathematical, grammatical, spelling, and formatting errors. The final body of work had 1 mathematical, grammatical, spelling, or formatting error. The final body of work had 3-5 mathematical, grammatical, spelling, and/or formatting errors. The final body of work had major mathematical, grammatical, spelling, and/or formatting errors. Total→ Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Conclusion Put a couple of sentences here that summarize what they will have accomplished or learned by completing this activity or lesson [think: closure]. You might also include some rhetorical questions or additional links (to pursue with extra time) to encourage them to extend their thinking into more complex related content or other content beyond this lesson. Keep the language focused on the students. “Throughout this Webquest you have investigated ________ and learned _______ ….” Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Credits & References List Learning Standards and learning goals of of this activity ----- List here the sources/resources you used to put this Webquest together. Provide links back to the original source. (HINT: Keep track of your resources used and add them here as you go.) Say thanks to anyone who provided resources or help. List any books and other analog media that you used as information sources as well. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
[Role 1] Describe the purpose/perspective and goals of this role You can provide the specific Internet links here that this role will need to investigate the question/topic
[Role 2] Describe the purpose/perspective and goals of this role You can provide the specific Internet links here that this role will need to investigate the question/topic
[Role 3] Describe the purpose/perspective and goals of this role You can provide the specific Internet links here that this role will need to investigate the question/topic