RubiStar: Online Rubric Maker Jeff Barnes Northwest High School
RubiStar? RubiStar is a tool to help teachers who want to use rubrics but does not have the time to develop them from scratch. It can create them from scratch too.
Benefits RubiStar provides generic rubrics that can simply be printed and used for many typical projects and research assignments. The unique thing about RubiStar, however, is that it provides these generic rubrics in a format that can be customized. The teacher can change almost all suggested text in the rubric to make it fit their own project. RubiStar is also bi-lingual as you can create rubrics in Spanish, which may be helpful for your ESL students.
Creating a Rubric Step 1 – Create a Login and password Fill out the New User Form and click Register
Step 2 – Choosing a Rubric You can also access previously made rubrics either by ID# or click Teacher Home You can choose a rubric topic from a set of pre-made rubrics You can also search fro rubric by Titles, Name, or Email address
Step 3 – Entering Information After you choose a rubric type: Give your rubric a name Then, decide if you want your rubric to be permanent or temporary Temporary rubrics will only be available for a set amount of time. Permanent rubrics can be accessed at any point at any time
Step 4 – Editing the Rubric You can create as many rows or columns as you want By selecting the drop down arrow next to “Please Choose” in the Category column, you are given a set of row options. Once you select one for that row it will auto fill the entire row. You are not limited to this information and you can add or subtract text to meet the needs of your project. Notice how the information filled as the row was highlighted
Step 5 - Submit Clicking the “Submit” button saves and stores your rubric. You can always go back and edit your rubric Please be aware that the website will log you out after 40 minutes!!!
Step 6 – Modify the Rubric After clicking “Submit” you are previewing you rubric. If you do not like your results, click the “Modify the Rubric” button to go back and edit. Your rubric is not yet saved at this point.
Step 7 – Saving the Rubric There are two options for saving Print or Download Printing will do just that Saving will allow you to save the rubric to your documents on your home or school hard drive Rubric save in Excel spreadsheets Make Available Online This option will post your rubric for others to view and use You can also print and save from this option
Teacher Home Clicking this link or icon will take you back to your saved rubrics that you have made available for all to see. From here you can always edit and modify your rubrics.