Wethersfield Teacher Evaluation and Support Plan Orientation to Teacher Evaluation 2014-15
What is New? 2013-14 2014-15 NEW 2 SLOs with 2 IAGDs per SLO 1 SLO with 2 IAGDs Teacher Practice Goal written as SMART goal Teacher Practice Focus Area = Targeted Area of Growth (not written as SMART goal) Only 1 rubric used for all teachers Added Instructional Specialist Rubric & Pupil Personnel Rubric All teachers had a minimum of 1 formal and 2 informals -Year 1 & 2 Teachers will have a minimum of 3 formal observations -Year 3+ and scoring Proficient or Exemplary will have a minimum of 1 formal, 1 informal and 1 review of practice Used @k12.ct.us email address Log in with @wethersfield.me email New summative rating chart Upgrades made to Teachscape to make more user friendly
Wethersfield A committee was formed in December 2012 Consisted of: Teachers selected by WFT (elementary, middle and high rep) Administrators Central Office administrators Board of Education representatives Committee was tasked to: Implement CT’s System for Educator Evaluation and Development Meet requirements of new legislation Finalize a new Teacher Evaluation process for Wethersfield Public Schools based on SEED for 2013-14 Revised Wethersfield’s plan based on the flexibility guidelines for the 2014-15 school year. CSDE approved changes in June, 2014
When teachers succeed, students succeed * Research has proven that no school-level factor matters more to students’ success than high quality teachers. * Quality teacher evaluation drives: valuable collaboration between evaluators and teachers effective instruction continuous teacher improvement high standards for all learners * No single measure can tell the full story about a teacher’s performance.
Teacher Evaluation Criteria
Summary of Teacher Evaluation Criteria * Observations of Performance & Practice (40%) --Teacher Practice Focus Area = targeted growth area --Formal observations --Informal observations --Review of practice * Parent Feedback Goal (10%) --1 goal which is linked to school-wide focus from survey data * Student Growth and Development (45%) --1 Student Learning Objective (SLO with 2 IAGD’s) * Whole School Student Learning Indicators (5%) --Linked to successful completion of goals in School Improvement Plan
Core Requirements of Teacher Evaluation Student Growth and Development (45%) Whole-school Student Learning Indicators (5%) Observations of Performance and Practice (40%) Parent Feedback (10%) Teacher Practice Rating (50%) Student Outcome Rating (50%) All of these factors are combined to reach your final annual rating.
Teacher Performance and Practice (40%) Forty percent (40%) of a teacher’s evaluation shall be based on observations of teacher practice and performance. Requirements of Evidence: 1. Teacher identifies one area of professional growth = Teacher Practice Focus Area 2. Teacher Observations (formal, informal and/or review of practice)
Minimum Number of Observations Subsequent Years First and Second Year In-District 3 formal observations Proficient and Exemplary 1 formal observation, 1 review of practice and 1 informal observation Below Standard and Developing 3 formal observations Intensive Supervision If a teacher is on Intensive Supervision for longer than 60 days, a teacher would not receive a rating above developing. The supervised assistance track will identify the number of formal and informal observations, but must include at least 3 formal observations.
Parent Feedback Goal (10%) Ten percent (10%) of a teacher’s evaluation shall be based on a Parent Feedback Goal. Process focuses on: 1. Conducting whole-school parent survey 2. Determining school-level parent goal(s) based on survey feedback 3. Teacher identifies a Parent Feedback Goal linked to School-wide goal and identifies targets/strategies
Core Requirements of Teacher Evaluation Student Growth and Development (45%) Whole-school Student Learning Indicators (5%) Observations of Performance and Practice (40%) Parent Feedback (10%) Practice Rating (50%) Outcome Rating (50%) All of these factors are combined to reach your final annual rating.
Student Growth and Development (45%) 1 SLO – Student Learning Objective 2 IAGD – Indicators of Academic Growth and Achievement Written as SMART Goals 22.5% for each IAGD
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Student Learning Objective planning cycle. SLO Phase 1: Learn about this year’s students SLO Phase 2: Set goals for student learning SLO Phase 3: Monitor students’ progress SLO Phase 4: Assess student outcomes relative to goals
(I)ndicators of (A)cademic (G)rowth and (D)evelopment (IAGDs) You are responsible for 1 SLO, which must include at least two IAGD’s. IAGDs: IAGD is standardized if you teach a state- tested grade and/or subject, or if your students are assessed through district common assessments.
Student Learning Objective (45%) Indicators of Academic Growth and Devlopment Will your students take the CMT or CAPT in your subject area? YES Set one standardized IAGD and one non-standardized IAGD YES NO Will your students take another standardized assessment or district assessment? Set two non-standardized IAGDs NO
Student Learning Objective Example of SLOs The following are examples of Student Learning Objectives: Teacher Category Student Learning Objective Eighth Grade Science My students will master critical concepts of science inquiry. High School Visual Arts My students will demonstrate proficiency in applying the five principles of drawing.
Examples of IAGDs Algebra - Math Teacher Category Student Learning Objective (SLO) Indicators of Academic Growth and Development (IAGD) Standardized or Non-Standardized Algebra - Math Students will solve a variety of algebraic equations with precision. Students in Algebra 1, Level 2 who scored Below Basic, Basic, or Proficient will move up one band. - Students at Goal or Advanced will maintain their level with regards to solving algebraic equations, as the complexity of the content becomes more challenging, from the pre-tests to the post-tests. Please see the attached Algebra 1 Pre-Test Data excel spreadsheet in the artifacts section. Below Basic = 0-30% Basic = 31-60% Proficient = 61-70% Goal = 71-85% Advanced = 86-100% Non-Standardized
Examples of IAGDs 8th Grade Science Teacher Category Student Learning Objective (SLO) Indicators of Academic Growth and Development (IAGD) Standardized or Non-Standardized 8th Grade Science Students will master critical concepts of science inquiry. Students will design an experiment that incorporates the key principles of science inquiry. --Students will grow (see chart below), using the inquiry rubric from the pre-assessment in the fall to the spring. Formative assessments will be conducted monthly to assess different inquiry skills. Baseline Score Target Score Basic 0-20 increase by 6 Emerging 21-28 increase by 8 Goal 29-40 increase by 5 *Students who score 35-40 will be provided with an alternative rubric with increased expectations. Non-Standardized
Examples of IAGDs - Continued Teacher Category Student Learning Objective (SLO) Indicators of Academic Growth and Development (IAGD) Standardized or Non-Standardized 2nd Grade Numeracy Students in 2nd grade will demonstrate growth and/or achieve mastery of grade level mathematics skills. By May, students will show growth in fluency on their mad minute addition and subtraction scores within 20 according to the following chart: Baseline Score Target Score 0-20 +15 points 21-30 +20 points 40+ +10 points Mad minute is a one minute timed assessment. --Two students in my class receiving special education support for math will be provided 4 minutes to complete the assessment, instead of one minute. Non-Standardized
Whole School Learning Indicator (5%) Five percent (5%) of a teacher’s evaluation shall be based on whole-school student learning indicators. Purpose: Teachers are part of a learning community, as such, responsibility for learning is shared among all of the school’s staff. This measurement is designed to reflect the importance of this shared responsibility through the School Improvement Plan (SIP).
Teacher Evaluation Process The target date for Goal Setting & Planning is October 15 Target date for End-of Year is one week before the last student day (must be completed by June 30)
Levels of Performance - Legislated Four Levels of Performance: 4 Exemplary - Substantially exceeding indicators of performance 3 Proficient - Meeting indicators of performance 2 Developing - Meeting some indicators of performance but not others 1 Below standard - Not meeting indicators of performance
Final Summative Rating Student Growth and Development (45%) Whole-school Student Learning Indicators (5%) Observations of Performance and Practice (40%) Parent Feedback (10%) Outcome Rating (50%) Practice Rating (50%) The matrix (on the next slide) is used in order to get a holistically determined Summative Rating (100%)
Summative Rating Matrix to Final Rating Teacher Practice Related Indicators Rating 4 3 2 1 Student Outcomes Related Indicators Rating Exemplary Proficient Gather further information Developing 1 Below Standard
Support and Development for Teachers Evaluation-based Professional Growth Plan Improvement and Remediation Plan Career Development and Growth
Support and Development Professional Learning Opportunities/Examples Targeted professional development External learning opportunities Differentiated career pathway Coaching Assisting peers Leading data teams Leading professional development Leading book study groups