Modifications iGT 039 and GT 0440 re iGT Agency Services background


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Presentation transcript:

Modifications iGT 039 and GT 0440 re iGT Agency Services background

Extent of iGT Agency Services The iGT Agency Services role has been developed at the iGT 039 and Project Nexus workgroups Xoserve is mid-way through a pre-modification consultation exercise to assess the business case for iGT Agency Services The scope of iGT Agency Services is in the BRD developed at the Project Nexus Workgroup and in the pre-modification consultation document issued by Xoserve in early December The scope is summarised in the next few slides

iGT Agency Services principle requirements There is a single service provider regardless of GT type for the “common” services in each of the iGT and GT UNCs There is a single interface type and file formats for these “common” services regardless of GT type There is no future divergence in the provision of these “common” services

iGT Agency Services “common” services…… The scope of the common services includes: Customer lifecycle activities Shipper accessions etc to iGT UNC CSEP creation Supply Meter Point Register MPRN lifecycle Asset register Read submission and history Supply point data

…….. iGT Agency Services “common” services continued Supply Point events AQ processes Confirmation Change of Supplier processes Invoicing services on behalf of iGTs (optional) Note: GT invoicing, invoicing principles and energy allocation to the CSEP remain unchanged

iGT Agency Services data cleanse, migration and cutover – example process period New arrangements Initial population of migration database Migration and data preparation period (say 12 months) iGT Daily updates to migration database Shipper Updates of data from shippers – population of “new” data items Update of smart meter details DCC Uses within Xoserve e.g. LMN AQ Once database is robust, may be useable for early benefits Data updates back to iGTs as reqd

Project Nexus timeline The Project Nexus timeline is presented through the Project Nexus Workgroup. Latest version is Nexus functionality is targeted for 2015 implementation. It is anticipated UNC (iGT and GT) modification(s) will be required to facilitate implementation. There will be a cutover from “old” to “new” rules and as this occurs there may be a need for transition arrangements.