Section 5.1: Multipliying Polynomial Expressions by Monomials
Objective: By following instructions, students will be able to: multiply polynomials by monomials.
explain 1A Find the product.
explain 1B Find the product.
Your-Turn #1 Find the product.
explain 2A Find the product.
explain 2B Find the product.
Your-Turn #2 Find the product.
explain 3 Write a polynomial equation and solve the problem. Harry is building a fish tank that is a rectangular prism. He wants the height of the tank to be 6 inches longer than the length and width. If he needs the volume to be as close as possible to 3500 cubic inches, what should be the length of the tank? Round to the nearest inch.
Revisit Objective: Did we…. multiply polynomials by monomials?
HW: Sec 5.1 pg 127 #s 1-17 ODD, 18, 23, 24