CALYX POINT 2015 Point 9.2 SP7 and SP8 Updates for TRID November 12, 2015 2:00 pm CDT Point® helps you get the job done faster and more efficiently 2015 Professional Services Group
TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures in Point 9.2 Presenters Emily Martinez Senior Professional Services Consultant LaDreka Burton Professional Services Consultant Brian Robinson
TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures in Point 9.2 Getting the Most out of your Training All attendees are muted Ask questions via the questions box located in your GoToWebinar Control Panel Have Point open on your computer so you may follow along FAQ’s are available on our Website: The Power Point presentation and recording of this Webinar will be available on our Website. Legal Disclaimer: The information presented is confidential and proprietary to Calyx Software (“Calyx”) and may not be disclosed without the permission of Calyx. The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to provide information, rather than advice or opinion. It is accurate to the best of the speaker’s knowledge as of the date of the presentation. To the extent that this presentation contains any examples, please note that they are for illustrative purposes only and any similarity to actual individuals, entities, places or situations is unintentional and purely coincidental. In addition, any examples are not intended to serve as legal advice. No part of this presentation may be modified, printed, or presented without the permission of Calyx. Calyx and Calyx Software are registered trademarks of Calyx Technologies, Inc. Copyright © 2015 Calyx Software. All rights reserved
TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures in Point 9.2 What’s New in Point 9.2 SP7 and SP8 Enhancements and Changes The Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure documents require us to report fees differently than ever before. Today’s Webinar will give you an overview of our new features to help you generate the new disclosures for your borrowers
TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures in Point 9.2 Objectives Summary of the Release Notes Updates to screens associated with the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure Data flow from the Fees Worksheets to the new Screens and Disclosures Working with the Written List of Service Providers Refresher on generating the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure Format Power Point Slides Point File
TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures in Point 9.2 Point SP7 and SP8 Release Highlights: Addendum page added to display additional borrowers, additional sellers and additional fees Added check boxes to the Calculating Cash to Close section on the Loan Estimate so users can specify the Standard form or Alternative Form. Payoffs and Payments screen added for refinance transactions when using the Alternative Form Added a checkbox in Fees Worksheet section “Services You Can Shop For” to indicate the number of fees exceeds the 13 allowed on the LE and to print the additional fees on an addendum Updated the Closing Agent Type dropdown list on the Track Agent List screen to include a Settlement Agent option to match the label on page 1 of the Closing Disclosure Written List of Service Providers updated to accommodate splitting fees for services provided by multiple locations of a single company
Addendum to the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure Co-Borrowers on a loan will be shown on the Addendum This addendum to both the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure will generate dynamically when there are additional borrowers. It is not listed in the print forms menu.
Addendum to the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure C. Services You Can Shop For Addendum Will generate when the box is checked and the fees in sections 4 and 6 exceed a total of 13 entries. Added a checkbox in Section 6 Services You Can Shop For on the Fees Worksheet to indicate that the number of fees exceeds the 13 allowed on the form and to print the additional fees on an addendum.
Addendum to the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure Services You Can Shop For exceeding 13 items . This Addendum to both the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure will generate when the box on the Fees Worksheet and the Closing Costs Worksheet is checked and the fees in boxes 4 and 6 exceed a total of 13 entries.
Adding Additional Sellers in Point Additional Sellers will be shown on the Addendum to the Closing Disclosure Additional Sellers may be added in the Basic Loan Information window This addendum to both the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure will generate dynamically when there are additional borrowers. It is not listed in the print forms menu. Seller 1 is entered on the Track Agent Screen
Addendum Closing Disclosure – Additional Sellers Additional Sellers will be shown on the Addendum to the Closing Disclosure This addendum to both the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure will generate dynamically when there are additional borrowers. It is not listed in the print forms menu.
Settlement Agent Closing Agent Type dropdown list on the Track Agent List includes a “Settlement Agent” option to match the label on page 1 of the Closing Disclosure This Addendum to both the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure will generate when the box on the Fees Worksheet and the Closing Costs Worksheet is checked and the fees in boxes 4 and 6 exceed a total of 13 entries.
Standard Form or Alternative Form Select the Standard Form or the Alternative Form Added checkboxes to the Calculating Cash to Close section on the Loan Estimate so users can specify the Standard or Alternative Form.
Payoffs and Payments Screen Access the Payoffs and Payments Screen From the Forms Menu From the Payoff & Payments button on any page of the CD Added a Payoffs and Payments screen to contain the data that was previously populated in the Payoffs and Payments section on page 3 of the Closing Disclosure for refinance loans. The screen is accessible by clicking the Payoffs & Payments button on the Closing Disclosure and also from the forms menu.
Payoffs and Payments Screen Copy From Liabilities From the Forms Menu From the Payoff & Payments button on any page of the CD When using the Copy From Liabilities button, only those liabilities checked as …………..
Payoffs and Payments Screen Liabilities marked to be paid off will populate the Payoffs and Payments Screen When using the Copy From Liabilities button, only those liabilities checked as …………..
Payoffs and Payments Screen Liabilities marked to be paid off will populate the Payoffs and Payments Screen Liabilities marked “to be paid off” on the loan application will be routed to the Payoffs and Payments Screen When using the Copy From Liabilities button, only those liabilities checked as …………..
Payoffs and Payments Addendum Loan Estimate Calculating Cash to Close Section Select Alternative Form for a refinance to generate the Payoffs and Payments Addendum to the Closing Disclosure When using the Copy From Liabilities button, only those liabilities checked as …………..
Payoffs and Payments Addendum Liabilities marked “to be paid off” will populate the Payoffs and Payments Screen and dynamically generate the Payoffs and Payments Addendum to the Closing Disclosure When using the Copy From Liabilities button, only those liabilities checked as …………..
Lender Paid Compensation for Broker Disclosed on the Closing Disclosure In the Closing Costs Worksheet Enter in Section 1 in the User Defined Field. For example: “Jane Smith, Mortgage Broker Company - $5,000” then, select Paid by Lender Shown in the Closing Disclosure and handled as “Paid by Others”
Lender Paid Compensation for Broker Lender Paid Compensation is disclosed on the Closing Disclosure Once you have entered the lender paid compensation on the Closing Costs Worksheet It will populate the Closing Disclosure, Page 2, Section A. Origination Charges Shown in the Closing Disclosure and handled as “Paid by Others” It will not affect the Borrower’s cash to close
Calculation Cash to Close Down Payment calculation for FHA, VA, USDA loans due to financed UFMIP, VA Funding Fee and USDA Guarantee Fee TRID regulations for the disclosures from the CFPB have redefined the entire concept of Closing Costs Financed like the UFMIP on FHA Loans. The formula to determine the Down Payment between government and conventional loans is completely different.
TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures in Point 9.2 CFPB WEBSITE: CFPB Guide to the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure: CFPB Home Loan Toolkit:
TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures in Point 9.2 Knowledge Base Articles ∙ TRID Information 0933 Written List of Service Providers 0923 How to complete the Loan Estimate 0925 How to complete the Closing Disclosure 0924 How to complete the Closing Costs Worksheet 0934 How Lender Credits are calculated on the Loan Estimate 0935 Lender Paid Compensation to Broker 0936 How to print fees in section C. Services Borrower Did Shop For – Closing Disclosure, page 3 0937 Time Zone Definitions
2015 CALYX POINT TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures in Point 9.2 The Help You Need Knowledge Base is available 24/7 to assist you and provide step-by-step instructions Point User Guide – embedded in your software F-1 Help from any screen Customer Support 1-800-342-2599 Account Managers 1-800- 362-2599 TRID specific software questions may be sent to and 2015 TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures in Point 9.2 Webinar 11.10.15