High Frequency Compact Noise Modelling of Multi-Gate MOSFETs A.Lázaro*, A. Cerdeira**, B. Nae*, M. Estrada**, B. Iñiguez* Dpt. d’Enginyeria Electrònica, Elèctrica i Automàtica, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 43007 Tarragona, Spain(benjamin.iniguez@urv.cat) ** CINVESTAV, Mexico City
Segmentation method We use the active line approach to extend the compact model to high frequency operation. It is based on splitting the channel into a number of elementary sections Our quasi-static small-signal equivalent circuit, to which we add additional microscopic diffusion and gate shot noise sources, is applied to each section Our charge control model allows to obtain analytical expressions of the local small-signal parameters in each segment
Segmentation Method Frequency noise behaviour of Fmin Wfin=10 nm, Hfin=30 nm, tox=1.5 nm, tbox=50 nm, 100 fingers,VGS−VTH=0.5 V, VDS=1 V at 10 GHz Extrinsic noise parameters as function of gate length for FinFET Wfin=10 nm, Hfin=30 nm, tox=1.5 nm, tbox=50 nm, 100 fingers,VGS−VTH=0.5 V, VDS=1 V at 10 GHz.
Analytical explicit model Single-piece compact expressions to model the drain, gate current noise spectrum densities and their correlations were derived for for DG MOSFETs Comparison of current noise densities and imaginary part of correlation coefficient as function of gate voltage calculated with the segmentation method (●) and the singlepiece model (—) for a DG MOSFET with L=1 μm, tox=2 nm, ts=34 nm, VDS=2V, f=1 GHz).