Assessment for Learning November 19, 2013 Basia Kiehler Sandy Riley
Today’s Agenda 8:00 – 8:15 Introduction and Welcome Review Norms 0. Preliminary Slides Time Topic Learning Target Facilitator 8:00 – 8:15 Introduction and Welcome Review Norms Housekeeping Items (Scech’s, bathrooms, coffee, tea, etc.) Pre-survey Principal meeting Sandy 8:15 – 9:15 Triad Share 4 9:15 – 9:30 Overview of Target Match and Blueprint 2 & 3 Basia 9:30 – 9:45 BREAK 9:45 – 11:30 Deconstructing Standards Writing “I Can” statements Target Match and Blueprint Work Time 1 Basia & Sandy 11:30 – 12:45 LUNCH 12:45 – 1:30 Assessment Literate Classrooms and Students Videos 1:30 – 2:40 Continued work time 2:40 – 3:00 Wrap Up Journal Entry Homework: Complete assessment blueprint (if not done) Read CASL Chapter 4: Sound Design(pgs. 87-121) 1, 2, 3, 4 © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
Today’s Learning Targets 0. Preliminary Slides Today’s Learning Targets I can deconstruct my content standards into student-friendly language. I can select the appropriate method to assess specific learning targets. I can create an assessment blueprint. I understand that part of this process is building relationships within and across districts for the purpose of deepening my knowledge of assessment literacy and building my own support network. Make sure to go over each learning target with the group. And mention that each agenda item is linked with each LT. The next slide is Introduction and Welcome. Once all 4 learning targets are shown, if you hit the next button, LT 2 & 4 will be starred because they are directly linked with welcome and introduction. Make sure to state that. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
Introduction and Welcome Our Norms Respect one another Assume positive intentions Take and support risks Stay positive Limit to quick and quiet sidebars for clarifying questions while honoring processing and work time Provide enough time to work Stay present and engaged Focus on Learning Targets
Introduction and Welcome Pre-Survey Copies of surveys (elementary & secondary) Spreadsheet Grade level Number of copies December we will distribute
2013-2014 Expectations Attendance to Meetings Fidelity of Implementation Journaling Pre and Post Surveys Pre and Post Assessments Board Presentation Principal monthly check-in
Introduction and Welcome SCECHs Must be here from 8:00 – 3:00 $10 cash or check made to WISD 2 documents filled out and signed Sign in and out
Triad Share 10 minutes 15 minutes Purpose: The purpose of this protocol is to learn from one another regarding our successes and opportunities as we are implementing this work. Rounds Sharing Questions/Reflections Round 1: Sharing by presenter #1 3 minutes Questions for Presenter #1 1 minute Round 2: Sharing by presenter #2 Questions for presenter #2 Round 3: Sharing by presenter #3 Questions for presenter #3 Reflections: Discuss commonalities Chart on posters Hang around the room 10 minutes Gallery Walk Walk around and read other posters What do you notice? 15 minutes Debrief WHOLE GROUP
Triad Share - Debrief What worked for you? What didn’t? Why? How can we tweak this process so it does work for you in the future? Can you see yourself using this protocol in your classroom? How? What did you learn today from doing this?
Overview of Target Match and Blueprint Review Target Match Review Blueprint Give you a sample template Analyzing My Results
1. Five Keys to Classroom Assessment Quality Target-Method Match Activity (pg. 94 CASL) 1. Five Keys to Classroom Assessment Quality Kind of Target Assessment Method Selected Response Written Response Performance Assessment Personal Communication Knowledge Good Strong Partial Reasoning Skill Poor Product Refer participants to page 94 in CASL book © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 11
6. Audit Assessments for Clear Targets Test Blueprint for Claire’s Math Learning Target Item #s # of Points Identifies number patterns with multiplication 3 5 Reads, writes, orders, and compares numbers to 10,000 4, 6, 7, 11 15 Subtracts whole numbers using regrouping 5, 10 2 Represents multiplication as repeated addition 8 Constructs bar graphs 9 4 Uses standard units of measurement for length, weight, temperature, and capacity 12, 13, 14 6 Tells time with an analog clock 1 Writes fractions to match models 1 3 Solves problems with addition 2 Notice here that the learning targets have been organized so that we can see how many points each contributes to the whole. Briefly explain how the first two rows of the test plan are set up. Then show the rest of the chart, but don’t discuss it. Note: The first two rows animate separately and then the rest of the chart animates all together. The important thing here is that participants understand where the numbers in the two right-hand columns came from. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 12
Another Example of a Blue Print Learning Target Knowledge Compare/ Contrast Totals Manifest Destiny 2 Reasons settlers went west 6 Life of Native American groups 4 Significant individuals Effects on Native Americans and Mexicans 10 TOTALS 28 8 36
Your Blueprint Template Learning Target Type of Target Assessment Method Points/Questions Percent Importance I can explain the concept of Manifest Destiny and its contribution to the migration of people in the development of the United States K SR 2 5% I can compare the motives of the different groups who participated in the westward expansion by leaving the eastern United States and heading west. R 6 17% I can compare the lives of different Native American groups before and after westward expansion. K & R I can identify significant individuals who took part in the westward expansion. I can explain how the westward migration led to conflict between Native Americans an settlers and between Mexicans and settlers. 10 28%
What to do after Blueprint? Write your assessment questions that reflect your blueprint Match questions to “I Can” statements Write your test Overachievers Create “Reviewing My Results” template (Page 28-29 in Workbook from training)
1. Five Keys to Classroom Assessment Quality POTTY BREAK – 15 minutes 1. Five Keys to Classroom Assessment Quality Have participants find a partner and discuss the questions on the slide. They will also need to be looking at the handout. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 16
Work Time – What am I doing again? Deconstruct standards Write into “I Can” statements Write Assessment Blue Print Link questions to each “I can” statement i.e. Write your test Write “Reviewing My Results” template*** ***This is for the overachievers in this group!
Assessment Literacy in Classrooms Three videos Elementary Math Lesson (2:33) Elementary Students Discussing Solving Problems (1:27) Middle School English Lesson (5:44)
or Video Protocol – Video 1 Turn to your partner and decide whether you are looking from student perspective or teacher perspective Take notes as you are watching Be prepared to share out
or Video Protocol – Video 2 Switch roles with your partner student perspective or teacher perspective Take notes as you are watching Be prepared to share out
or Video Protocol – Video 3 Switch roles with your partner…again! student perspective or teacher perspective Take notes as you are watching Be prepared to share out
1. Five Keys to Classroom Assessment Quality POTTY BREAK – 15 minutes 1. Five Keys to Classroom Assessment Quality Have participants find a partner and discuss the questions on the slide. They will also need to be looking at the handout. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 23
By the end of the day, you should have completed the following: I can statements for your unit Create assessment blueprint Match assessment questions to your “I can” statements based on the blueprint (create your actual assessment)
Work Time – What am I doing again? Deconstruct standards Write into “I Can” statements Write Assessment Blue Print Link questions to each “I can” statement i.e. Write your test Write “Reviewing My Results” template*** ***This is for the overachievers in this group!
6. Audit Assessments for Clear Targets Wrap Up – Journal Entry 6. Audit Assessments for Clear Targets Purpose of journal is for YOU to reflect back on your own personal learning How comfortable do you feel with each learning target? Fill in your “Explanation” piece every time “Next Steps” is only if you feel that there is something else that you have to do to help you master that target Have participants find a partner and discuss the question. You can conduct a large-group discussion at the close of this activity. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 26
6. Audit Assessments for Clear Targets Wrap Up - Homework 6. Audit Assessments for Clear Targets Homework: Read Chapter 4 of CASL Book (pgs. 87-121) Finish all work that you didn’t finish today by next time Bring all of your unit materials Including assessments, worksheets, standards, etc. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 27