Academic Advisors Council Friday January 29, 2015 Day of the Advisor
Graduation Registrar’s office
Communication & education plan Auto Emails via PeopleSoft Pre-Graduation Check (120) Graduation Check Complete (135+) Graduation Confirmation (once a student applied for graduation) In-Review or Eligible Status (once a student applied for graduation) Pending (after grades are posted) Awarded or Denied (will begin once grades are posted) Ready, Set, Graduate! Workshops 4 workshops a year Next workshops is schedule for: Tuesday, April 5, 2016 from 12 pm to 1pm in BSC-Ursa Major AB
Graduation Application Deadlines
Key points & major changes to the graduation process Do not encourage students to apply for Spring Graduation if they have degree requirements to complete after spring quarter. Once a student applies for a specific quarter to graduate, a registration hold will be applied to keep the student from registering for the quarter after. We will be running a report to catch students that try to bypass the system. Students will receive an eligibility email no later than May 2nd letting them know if they are eligible to attend Commencement. Students not eligible should not attend Commencement. Participating without prior approval will trigger a $200 fine. Students do not need to apply for both Spring Graduation and Early Commencement Participation Students that apply after the online deadline for Spring Graduation will not have their name printed on the Commencement Program
Early Commencement Participation (UGRD) Eligibility Within 8 units of completing degree at the end of the spring quarter Good Academic Standing Submit Online Application to Registrar’s Office by the April 15, 2016 – no late applications accepted! Pay $58 Non-Refundable Fee at Cashier’s Office Applications for both undergrad & graduates available on the Registrar’s website starting February 2016
Early commencement participation (GRAD) Exemptions shall be granted by the Associate Provost to students who: Will complete the work on their culminating experience by the end of Spring 2016; Will enroll in Summer 2016 to defend their thesis/project and/or complete all final edits of the product; Submit to the Office of Academic Programs by April 15, 2016 a Graduate Early Commencement Participation Form. On this form, the Graduate Director/Coordinator shall certify that the student satisfies these conditions. Exemptions also shall be granted by the Associate Provost to Ed.D. students who: Began their program in fall 2013; Will enroll in summer 2016, complete their culminating experience, defend their dissertation, and submit the dissertation to the Library in summer 2016;
Spring quarter deadlines Spring 2016 Online Graduation Application Period Your name will be printed in the Commencement Program if you apply by the deadline Spring 2016 Early Commencement Participation Application Period Your name will be printed in the Commencement Program if you apply by the deadline and are eligible Spring 2016 In Person Graduation Application Period You may participate in Commencement but your name will not be printed in the Commencement Program Commencement Confirmation Spring Graduation & Early Commencement Participation Applicants will be notified on eligibility to participate in Commencement via email January 4, 2016 – April 15, 2016 February 1, 2016 – April 15, 2016 April 16, 2016 – July 7, 2016 May 2, 2016
General Advising Updates Advising website has updated mission and vision now Assessment update-perceptions and experiences of advising Assessment committee through the Advising Taskforce is now determining how to disseminate the information to the colleges Semester Conversion Advising Committee Updates College taskforces/advising teams- plans due today Advising Timeline and IAPs Advising Tools Update (GradesFirst/My Planner) Upcoming Professional Development GradesFirst Training February 9 and February 10 Communication workshop with Michi Fu February 18 NACADA region 9 conference is March 14-16 at USC
Chat with Charlie