What is in this Section Coordinate Systems Part Coordinate System Coordinate System Marker Differences Between Parts and Geometry Parts, Geometry, and Markers Types of Parts in Adams/View Part Mass and Inertia Measures
Coordinate Systems Definition of a coordinate system (CS) A coordinate system is essentially a measuring stick to define kinematic and dynamic quantities.
Coordinate Systems (Cont.) Types of coordinate systems Global coordinate system (GCS): Rigidly attaches to the ground part. Defines the absolute point (0,0,0) of your model and provides a set of axes that is referenced when creating local coordinate systems. Local coordinate systems (LCS): Part coordinate systems (PCS) Markers Specify that we will be dealing with Cartesian coordinates all week.
Part Coordinate Systems Definition of part coordinate systems (PCS) They are created automatically for every part. Only one exists per part. Location and orientation is specified by providing its location and orientation with respect to the GCS. When created, each part’s PCS has the same location and orientation as the GCS. Create a sphere with the cm off of the origin, and then display information on one of its markers (cm or anchor marker) to show that it has its own PCS. This PCS is not visible, but by default it is at the global origin. Move the sphere by moving its anchor marker, to demonstrate how the PCS changes locations and is no longer at the global origin. Optional: Demonstrate turning display of PCS markers (Edit - Appearance - (filter to all) icons - part_axis; select OK)
Coordinate System Marker Definition of a marker It attaches to a part and moves with the part. Several can exist per part. Its location and orientation can be specified by providing its location and orientation with respect to GCS or PCS.
Coordinate System Marker (Cont.) Definition of a marker (cont.) It is used wherever a unique location needs to be defined. For example: The location of a part’s center of mass. The reference point for defining where graphical entities are anchored. It is used wherever a unique direction needs to be defined. For example: The axes about which part mass moments of inertia are specified. Directions for constraints. Directions for force application. By default, in Adams/View, all marker locations and orientations are expressed in GCS. Simulate the falling of this sphere then start Adams/PostProcessor. On the same plot put Results Set PART_2_XFORM, Component Y and Object PART_2, Characteristic CM_Position, Component Y. Note the .res plot is with respect to LCS, while the .obj plot is with respect to GCS. If the sphere were created with the cm at the origin, these two measures would be the same. Explain that markers are local coordinate systems located relative to GCS and PCS.
Differences Between Parts and Geometry Define bodies (rigid or flexible) that can move relative to other bodies and have the following properties: Mass Inertia Initial location and orientation (PCS) Initial velocities
Differences Between Parts and Geometry (Cont.) Used to add graphics to enhance the visualization of a part using properties such as: Length Radius Width Not necessary for most simulations. Note: Simulations that involve contacts do require the part geometry to define when the contact force will turn on or off. We will discuss contact forces in Workshop 20 - Hatchback IV.
Differences Between Parts and Geometry (Cont.) .model_1.UCA (Part) .model_1.UCA.cyl_1 (Geometry) .model_1.UCA.sphere_1 (Geometry) All of the parts that are used in this course will be rigid bodies.
Parts, Geometry and Markers Dependencies in Adams To understand the relationship between parts, geometry, and markers in Adams/View, it is necessary to understand the dependencies shown below: Marker .mod.pend.mar_2 .mod.pend.mar_1 Geometry .mod.pend.cyl .mod.pend.sph Part .mod.pend Model .mod
PARTS, GEOMETRY, AND MARKERS (CONT.) pend mar_1 cyl cm sph mar_2
Types of Parts in Adams/View Rigid bodies Are movable parts. Possess mass and inertia properties. Cannot deform. Flexible bodies Can bend when forces are applied to them. Ground part Must exist in every model and is automatically created when a model is created in Adams/View. Defines the GCS and the global origin and, therefore, remains stationary at all times. Acts as the inertial reference frame for calculating velocities and acceleration. Demonstrate: Right-click any part, and then select Modify. Review the Part Modify dialog box in detail. Use the Verify tool to find the DOF of the model. You will cover DOF in detail when you cover constraints.
Part Mass and Inertia Mass and inertia properties Adams/View automatically calculates mass and inertial properties only for three-dimensional rigid bodies. Adams/View calculates the total mass and inertia of a part based on the part’s density and the volume of its geometry. You can change these properties manually. Adams/View assigns mass and inertial properties to a marker that represents the part’s center of mass (cm) and principal axis. You can change the position and orientation of the part’s cm marker. The orientation of the cm marker also defines the orientation of inertial properties Ixx, Iyy, Izz. Note: part mass properties are constant during a simulation. For methods to model the effects of time-varying mass see SimCompanion KB8019687 Mention the use of the Table Editor to change mass properties of multiple parts.
Part Mass and Inertia (Cont.) cm marker cm marker (shifts as new geometry is added to the part)
Measures Measures in Adams Represent data that you would like to quantify during a simulation such as: Displacement, velocity, or acceleration of a point on a part Forces in a joint Angle between two bodies Other data resulting from a user-defined function Capture values of measured data at different points in time over the course of the simulation. Measures operate much like virtual instrumentation
Measures (Cont.) Definition of object measures Measure pre-defined measurable characteristics of parts, forces, and constraints in a model. Demonstrate: Right-click any model element (part, joint) in a model, and then select Measure. Review the basics of the Measure dialog box. Review the problem statement. Quiz them on what steps they would take to solve the problem. Ask if there are any questions before starting. Remind them to change directories.