Assess the contribution of the New Right to Education (35) Parents were given choice of schools to attend, funding based on roll numbers(Parentocracy, David suggests it is a myth as Middle class are advantaged) Explain 1988 Education reform Act, League tables, SATS, Ofsted inspections Competition between schools was meant to drive improvements but led to a lack of collaboration (Ball et al) Money spent on advertising and glossy brochures Outline some history leading up to New Right – Butler Act 1945 and tripartite system , comprehensives. Outline New Right ideas about market forces driving improvements evidenced by study by McKnight Differences in funding led to polarisation of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ schools and class inequalities Bartlett finds schools encouraged to ‘cream skim’ and ‘silt shift’ and Gillborn and Youdell find teacher practicing triage to gain most C grade passes (system has now been changed to more ‘value added’ type measure) In conclusion, the impact of marketization of education was that it improved GCSE pass rates overall but created inequalities in the system which mostly affected working class children. Write these points in a better order clockwise on your mindmap to create your essay Assess the contribution of the New Right to Education (35)