Introducing the Team ! Experience with PBIS
Why did you get into education Write a sentence or two Talk with a partner about it. -
The 3 Major Components of PRIDE -Teaching appropriate behavior in all settings. -Interventions when behavior expectations are not met. -Recognition when behaviors are met.
TIER 1 STRATEGIES A MUST !!!! This always needs to be the strongest Tier School-wide prevention practices Educating students about what type of behavior is expected from them, and about standard acceptable routines they should be following within the school environment
LIP SYNC BATTLE Email from admin and PRIDE team about participating Making sure to advertise any way possible. 2 departments a day at lunch. Winning team from each day moved on to the last day, which was Friday and was the championship. Winning department received free lunch from the administration Staff buy in, students were motivated to watch and referrals decreased tremendously. Lip Sync Battle:
Pie to the Face 2 weeks 10 golden eggs hidden around the school 25+ teacher volunteered their face for the Pie to the Face activity Student buy in Over intercom admin advertised and motivated students and staff Through Gunderson live and VOG we advertised and helped students want to participate Students were searching all around the school for the eggs during break and lunch, and even had to escort students back to class during class time when they were suppose to go to the “bathroom” Goggles and ponchos used, which were available from the science department already. FREE ! Whip cream and plastic plates $20 dollars.
Behavior Behavior Unmet Needs Unmet Needs
Unmet Needs Inclusion Control Affection Competence
TIER II INTERVENTIONS Are implemented for students who do not respond to the universal intervention Need to make a Tier II intervention inventory Figure out who leads each Tier II intervention While matching Tier 2 interventions to student needs is important , interventions should not require a significant amount of individualized assessment or intervention planning Consistency is a must !!! Tier 2 – Interventions AT RISK groups
Restorative Justice Meet with a counselor or staff member and make up an agenda Look at data and meetings your APD or counselors have had to determine students with priority Set meeting away from instructional time if you can Let parents know about meeting Have activities for students to engage Make sure person running the group has a connection with group of students NEW suspension students or major incidents for the month Quality is better than quantity
CHECK IN/ CHECK OUT Student GPA Trimester 1 Referrals Suspensions/ days out Tardy 1st semester 1.0 11 3/9 days 22 .25 3/7 days 41 .5 4 2/5 31
BUDDY CLASSROOM “Cool Off” No more than 15 minutes Student must come in with work to complete Teacher must have an agreement with another teacher to use them Teachers need to have an assigned area if needed when a student comes to their room After 15 minutes student will go back to original class and teacher will make sure to have a conversation with student either when the student comes back or at end of class
Counseling (Individual & Group) Counselors are available to provide individual and group services. Gives students the opportunity to have weekly conversations with the counselor. Give time as an admin team to check in with student after first initial meeting with counselor to make sure they know you care Calendar to check in with student a couple of days from now.
OUTSIDE SOURCES Too good for counseling- Make sure to meet with the person running the sessions, because they MUST be able to connect with the students. NO CONNECTION, NOT GOING TO WORK. Gang Task Force- They will help check in and actually meet with groups from different gangs to help mediate situations. Helps support students with issues happening outside and even inside the school.
Tier II Tier I Academics INTERVENTIONS Behavior Tier III 80 – 90% IEP 504 Recommendation for outside academic resources COST 6 week Progress Report Cyber High Gunderson Plus Broadway Liberty COST CICO Behavior Support Plan Individual Counseling Gang Task Force YWCA Recommendation of outside resources 1 – 5% # Kids 0.0 – 0.9 GPA 10+ Absences 6+ referrals 2+ Suspensions Tier III 5 – 10 % # Kids COST 6 week Progress Report Dream Box Tutoring ELD classes LAB classes Cyber High GLC (2 classes) COST Behavior Contract Restorative Juctice CICO Group Counseling Gang Task Force YWCA Too Good for Drugs classes 5 – 10 Absences 3 – 5 Referrals 1 suspension 1.9 – 1.0 GPA Tier II Planner Academic Assembly Positive phone calls GLC 9th grade transition PAW dollars Store Post Cards PBIS Assembly Pos. calls home Praise reports SOM Everyday Hero Link Crew 80 – 90% # Kids 2.0 – 4.0 GPA > 5 Absences 0 – 2 Referrals Tier I
Monitor Student Progress and Evaluate Process Data sources that lead to student being identification ODR Attendance Academics “time out of class” Teacher perception Friday School Frequent and regularly Celebrate success Adjust if student does not respond (or problems start reappearing)
How do our referral numbers compare to last year? (Insert Average ODR’s per day per month graph here) 2.5 referrals a day last year 1 referral a day this year. .8 referrals a day 58 less referrals from the year before
MINUTES 40 minutes= 1 referral 2016-2017= .8 referrals a day 58 Down from last year
Top Referrals by Student Insert location behavior chart here
Success Students are engaged with learning More instructional time in class Positive environment Admin and staff Buy In Making sure students explain the WHY behind there actions Activities to motivate staff and student recent example: PIE TO THE FACE
Challenges Keeping the PRIDE momentum high Sustaining faculty buy-in Getting new students and staff to buy in when they are new to school Never be comfortable Finding new and motivating incentives to reward students BUDGET ROOM NUMBER 142282 NAME: NICKNAME ANSWER THE QUESTIONS