1 NASA’s Contribution to Earth Science Week 2012 Discovering Careers in Earth Sciences climate.nasa.gov/esw2012/ ESW 2012 was planned and implemented by a team, including GSFC, JPL, LaRC, Dryden and led by the NASA Earth E/PO Forum (IGES) NASA Earth Explorers – included contributions of diverse scientists, engineers, educators and communicators (35 English, 12 Spanish speaking) ESW 2012 Website: much expanded content, including a Spanish site. Regular blog posts from Earth Explorers (English – 16, Spanish – 9), educational resources, event information & archive, videos English site: ~28,400 page views (>700% increase from 2011 site) Spanish site: ~3,700 page views climate.nasa.gov/esw2012espanol/ ESW Videos: promo video, plus five career profile videos; promo video captioned in Spanish New Educational Resources: classroom poster, ten Earth Explorer articles, & educational samplers produced for ESW Kits AGI distributed ESW kits to 16,000 educators (including 5,100+ through NASA networks) Women@NASA highlighted three female Earth Explorers with interviews on their blog (women.nasa.gov/blog) and created a special Earth Explorers page (women.nasa.gov/earthexplorers) Social Media Events: Twitter Chat with Thorsten Markus (135 tweets/18 questions) Google+ Hangout with Christy Hansen (212 students from 6 schools + public viewers on YouTube) Reddit Interview with Josh Willis (72 comments) Twitter Chat with Erica Alston (60 tweets/14 questions) Social Media Events in Spanish: Radio Interview with Erika Podest and Miguel Roman Webinar with Aquarius Engineers (100+ attendees) Social Media Reach 1,266 tweets from 968 contributors about ESW using the hashtags #NASAESW and #NASAESW_ES had a reach of 3.86M and exposure of 30.52M Center Events Extended ESW to Local Communities: LaRC reached over 1,000 K-4 students with 28 scientists reading Elementary GLOBE books in 50 classes. JPL hosted over 80 Girl Scouts and 20 adults for the day from the greater Los Angeles area. GSFC Sunday Experiment focused on Earth science and included over 130 educators, students of all ages, and families. 1
2 NASA’s Contribution to Earth Science Week 2012 Careers in Earth Sciences Comments about Christy Hansen’s Google+ Hangout: “The students and teachers were very excited to have this opportunity. Thank you!” “These opportunities as very helpful as they allow the children to hear from scientists. This is great because they get to see that these types of careers are achievable.” Comment on Josh Fisher’s video blog post: “Thank you for your post, Josh. I shared this link with my online Earth Science students. Hopefully, they will consider careers in Earth Science, too!” Comments on Jefferson Beck’s blog post: “I loved reading this. I wish we could get this out to all those 20 somethings who feel unsure and unsettled! Thank you, Jefferson.” “An inspiring "confession"! What I like the most - a strong sense of pride. I will be passing it on to my high school children and their friends. Thank you!” "This tells its own true story. It makes me smile and makes me envious of someone who is having so much fun doing hard work. ” Comment on Jason Tackett’s blog post: "Fabulous story and so important to share with young people. Thanks for a great read." 2
3 NASA’s Contribution to Earth Science Week 2012 Careers in Earth Sciences 3 Some of the NASA Earth Explorers who contributed to ESW 2012