“5-Minute Prep” For About Energy DE Science Elementary “5-Minute Prep” For About Energy Changing Energy > Energy in Systems
Energy in Systems – The Big Ideas Living things and machines change chemical energy into motion and heat. A system causes energy to flow from one place to another within it and to change form. Energy changes each time it passes from one organism to another in an ecosystem.
Energy in Systems – Prior Knowledge Energy is essential to living things and is also seen in the world around us, but the concepts about energy are new to students. It will help for students to use the Fun-damental, Energy Makes it Happen, to review forms of energy. It will also be helpful for students to understand: how we as humans obtain energy through food. what is used to power toys, lights, televisions, stoves, etc.
Energy in Systems – Common Misconceptions Energy is truly lost in many energy transformations. Reality: Energy can change from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed. Energy is not lost; however, it can change into more than one form, such as heat and light. Energy is a “thing” or something that is tangible. Reality: Energy is the capacity to do work. It is not transferred as a thing or package.
Energy in Systems – Using DE Science Content When you close this presentation, you can review the following recommended resources for Energy in Systems. Exploration: Energy in Systems Reading Passage: A Food Chain Video: Applying the Concepts of Energy Video: How our Bodies use Energy Use the PowerPoint version of this presentation for hyperlinks to these resources or you can get to them through the browser or search feature.
Energy in Systems – Instructional Ideas Have the students trace the paths of energy in their own food chains during one meal and in their own body. Students should trace the energy flow through the food they have eaten and the transformations in their own body, such as how energy enables movement.
Energy in Systems – Instructional Ideas Have each student or pairs of students complete the Exploration: Energy in Systems. Then, have students create a Venn Diagram in their notebooks comparing energy in food chains and machines.
Additional Information: State standards: If you wish to review your state standards regarding Energy in Systems, click here to get to the curriculum standards search feature of DES. http://search.discoveryeducation.com/CurriculumStandardLookup.cfm You can click on any standard to see what resources are available to teach it. Additional Information: For additional content, check the Extend section within the concept.