Problem Solving and Thinking Skills


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Presentation transcript:

Problem Solving and Thinking Skills

Outcomes Identify problems that are holding you back Learn new ways of thinking Outline the challenges to problem solving Understand the stages of problem solving Work with the IDEAL and GROW approaches to problem solving

Definition of a “problem” “A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome”

What stops us solving problems? Not examining the options Procrastination Self-worth Lack of knowledge Lack of confidence Beliefs that don’t know the answer there is only one correct answer

So what????

Defining the problem What does this mean? Bigger picture? How does this relate to ?? What are you trying to achieve? Who is this really for? What’s important about . . . . .? Chunking up to find out why it is important

Defining the problem How did you do that? Why did that happen? What happened about? What specifically? Tell me more about. . . . . What is the root cause of that. . . . . . Chunking down to get the detail

Discuss – Challenge with separating our thinking and feeling about the potential problem, people come up with solutions to our problems really easily – why can’t we? Refer back to the emometer and the importance of getting into positive emotions to solve our problems

Understand the difference in your preferences for solving problems

Let’s investigate the problem Group Exercise – List some current problems facing the group and the emotions they attach to them. What would need to change for you to be able to access positive emotions about your problem? Let’s investigate the problem

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein

Positive thinking Be kind to yourself Look for the positive Notice and deal with the negative thoughts immediately Don’t bully yourself Accept compliments Let go of old issues Be responsible for you and your feelings

IDEAL dentify the problem efine the problem xamine the options ction plan ook at the consequences

Goal Reality Obstacles / Options Way Forward

Summary Clearly identify the problem Detach the emotions from it Choose your method of thinking Following the problem solving process