Being Church in a Missional Age Terri Martinson Elton, Phd
living our faith in our family
Jesus The incarnation of Jesus Christ is the event that brings about the salvation of the world and establishes the mission of the church.
the church’s witness This event not only established the church’s mission, it also defines how that mission is to be carried out. Therefore the church is always confronted by the person and work of Jesus as both the context and the criterion of the church’s witness.
the church’s work The church has a call to translate the message of the gospel into every human culture. God’s Spirit empowers the church to be witnesses which carry, translate, communicate, and demonstrate the good news of God’s love in Christ to the ends of the earth. Yet, the church constantly tries to put this under its control, reducing it to manageable proportions. Therefore, the church must reflect on its own work and continually strive for conversion. (Continuing Conversion of the Church, Guder)
2 dynamic movements Body of Christ God’s people gathered as the body of Christ Body of Christ God’s people sent into God’s World
In community, Christians discover that it means to be Christian. When two or three gather in God’s name, God promises to be present. THESE TIMES ARE PLANNED, AND UNPLANNED. THEY INCLUDE UNIVERSAL PRACTICES, AND PRACTICES UNIQUE TO ONES TIME AND PLACE. In community, Christians discover that it means to be Christian.
Living Christian means being God’s love in the world Living Christian means being God’s love in the world. God’s love has two dimensions - creative and redemptive. OUR CHRISTIAN IDENTITY IS SHAPED AS MUCH BY OUR TIMES APART AS IT IS WHEN GATHERED TOGETHER. Away from Christian community our Christian identity is affirmed, tested, and challenged.
How does the gathered community witness to God’s creative and redemptive love? How are people from this community of faith witnessing to God’s love in the world scattered? How has the gathered community helped you discover a Christian way of life? What could a community of faith help you today? What is most challenging for you as you seek to discover a Christian way of life scattered in the world? How could a community of faith help you? What practices have been most impactful for you living your faith and passing it on to others in your everyday life?
What stands out for you in the pattern of gathering and scattering What stands out for you in the pattern of gathering and scattering? What's similar and different from the current practices of your congregation? How would this pattern help you, personally, discover a Christian way of life? What, if anything, would be different than your patterns in the past? How might this pattern be a 'curriculum' for helping people in your context discover a Christian way of life? How would this change your current practices?
We need a new way forward. The world has changed. And continues to change. We need a new way forward. The rate of change has reached a point where humans can no absorb it.
the church’s witness How does the person and work of Jesus as both the context and the criterion of the church’s witness impact our way of being church today?
How are we reducing the gospel How are we reducing the gospel? Where are places for conversion so we may truly witness to the gospel in our context?
What view do you have? Church as… dispenser of religious services, led by ordained pastor. Center is worship with various programs to carry out ministry. community of people, gathered for worship and sharing ministry. Witness as place Witness as community Witness as way of life people of faith gathered and scattered seeking to discover a Christian way of life.
What are people longing for? As structures of family, work, religion, and leisure are changing, we are rarely on familiar ground. In a 24/7, globally connected world, most of us are always “on” and our work (at the office or at home) is never done. Said another way, living in a networked society leaves ample opportunity for bridging relationships and not enough opportunities for cultivating bonding relationships.
What are people longing for? Managing life requires switching off “non-essential functions, subordinate social groups, and devalued territories.” The result of living within this new meta-network world is an infinite number of social ties, many of which are weak, yet without a rudder or guide. Said another way, living in a networked society leaves ample opportunity for bridging relationships and not enough opportunities for cultivating bonding relationships.
What are people longing for? It use to be that meaning was made, and our identity cultivated, within a few primary communities that often overlapped. Such communities provided roots and stability.
What are people longing for? Today, cultivating identity and making meaning take place while navigating an array of disconnected “primary” communities. This reality is new, and exhausting. Navigating meaning without being rooted in centers of meaning leaves people floating amidst what feels like disorderly chaos.
People have a need for making meaning
Because making meaning requires integration around purpose and society promotes compartmentalizing life, people need places and guides to do this work.
Congregations can provide spaces and guides for people to engage the intersections of their lives. We can ask different questions. As we do…congregations offer people another way, and the potential of a rudder for living.
one of welcome, wholeness, compassion, and hope.” Sandra Selby recognizes “The church is called to participate in God’s transforming work of reconciling love by embodying an alternative vision for the world: one of welcome, wholeness, compassion, and hope.” Selby, “Religious Leaders as Facilitators of Meaning Making,” 41-65.
Congregations as Platforms
Congregations as Platforms for witnessing to the gospel Meaning – Purpose - Christian Identity Relationships – Bonding and bridging relationships - Christian Community centered on GOD’s Love Impact – Making a difference personally and communally - Call to the World
Congregations as Platforms for witnessing to the gospel Meaning – discipleship Purpose - Baptism – Christian Identity Relationships – cultivating community Bonding and bridging Relationships - Christian Community – Centered on GOD’s Love Impact – engaged in the world Make a difference - Vocation – Call to the World
self-organizing ecology Congregations as Platforms for witnessing to the gospel gathering scattering connecting experimenting sharing equipping asking exploring adapting listening commissioning serving learning testing inviting self-organizing ecology
How would this view of church center this congregation on the gospel How would this view of church center this congregation on the gospel? What practices would continue? …need to be added? …need to be left behind?
What about living our faith in your family?