Project progress and expansion: Transparent, financially healthy and competitive municipalities in Moldova Peter Golias INEKO Director June 27-28, 2016 Seminar in Chisinau, Moldova
About the project Title: Transparent, financially healthy and competitive municipalities in Moldova Period: October 15th 2015 – March 15th 2017 Funded by: Slovak Aid Implemented by: INEKO and IDIS “Viitorul“ Goal: To support regional development in Moldova through know-how transfer of three successful projects implemented in Slovakia
Projects to be transferred Open local government – Transparency International Slovakia, Portal on financial health of Slovak municipalities – INEKO, Competitive regions 21 – Business Alliance of Slovakia,
Potential expansion New donors: Emerging Donors Challenge Fund (EDCF) through the USAID + Slovak Aid Time: July 2016 – October 2017 (probably will be delayed by 3-6 months) Focus: Implementation of transparency measures at municipalities In depth analysis of financial and transparency data Advocacy of results in public discourse
Transparent municipalities Objective: Developing anti-corruption measures pack for self-governments in Moldova and monitoring of its implementation Implemented activities: Definition of anti-corruption priorities in Moldovan self-governments (November 2015) Description of the best Slovak practices (January 2016) Developing proposals of anti-corruption measures, survey among self-governments (March-May 2016) Monitoring of anti-corruption pack implementation rate in 45 biggest Moldovan towns (May-June 2016) Publishing the transparency rankings of the biggest municipalities (June 2016)
Transparent municipalities To do list: In depth analysis of data on transparency Formulation of recommendations Uploading data on the internet portal Advocacy of results Supporting municipalities in implementation of measures Establishing local project subpage at IDIS
Transparent municipalities Project expansion: Computing transparency rating for regions Establishing analytical and advocacy team with at least 5 experts (NGOs, journalists, local activists) Monitoring and assisting at least 10 local Gvts in implementation of anti-corruption measures Advocating key results in public discourse; monthly electronic newsletter Evaluation of actually implemented measures Update of transparency rating of municipalities and regions in 2017 Final conference: Awarding most transparent cities and regions Educational trip to Slovakia
Financially healthy municipalities Objective: Developing online portal on financial management of Moldovan municipalities Implemented activities: Publishing the analysis of local budgets of Moldovan municipalities (November 2015) Creating and launching the portal: (January 2016) To do list: Updating the portal (July – November 2016)
Financially healthy municipalities Project expansion: Sankey diagrams: Collecting and uploading detailed data on revenues and expenditure Establishing analytical and advocacy team with at least 5 experts (NGOs, journalists, local activists) Analyzing financial data Advocating key results in public discourse; monthly electronic newsletter Update of the portal in 2017
Competitive municipalities Objective: Introducing interactive model of Moldovan regional competitive advantages Implemented activities: Data identification and availability (November 2015 – February 2016) Developing assessment procedure of region competitiveness (November 2015 – June 2016) Survey among businessmen in regions to obtain soft data (February – May 2016) Data collection (April – June 2016)
Competitive municipalities To do list: Data processing by mathematic model of region competitiveness (July 2016) Writing a list of competitive advantages and disadvantages of MD regions (December 2016) Uploading data to the internet portal Publishing the results (February 2017)
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