Introduction Tsung-Yi Wu
IC VLSI IC very-large-scale integration IC
IC PowerPC: 6.9 Million Transistors
IC IC Evolution SSI MSI LSI VLSI ULSI? Simple Chip SOC (System On a Chip)
IC Process Technology 0.35 um0.25 um0.18 um0.13 um90 nm Aluminum Copper Wafer Size 6 inches 8 inches 12 inches
IC Alpha 21264: 15 million Pentium Pro: 5.5 million Moore’s Law PowerPC 620: 6.9 million Alpha 21164: 9.3 million Sparc Ultra: 5.2 million Moore’s Law IC improvements: Die size: 10-20% per yr Transistor density: 35% / yr Moore’s Law: Number of transistors per chip increases 4x every 3 years. Adapted from (Prof. Patterson’s CS252S98 viewgraph). Copyright 1998 UCB
IC Intel Processors (Area)
IC Intel Processors (Performance)
IC IC Product Market Shares
IC IC Product Market Shares
Design Flow Flow Idea Design Manufacture Testing Production
Design Flow Evolution on Design Techniques Layout Design Gate Design RTL Design RTL Design Behavioral Design ? A Out V DD GND B always @(posedge clk) count = count + 1;
Design Flow Design Techniques
Design Flow Design Tasks System Logic Physical Idea Design Manufacture Testing Production System Logic Physical
Design Flow System Level Design High Level Design Partitioning into hardware and software, co-design, co-simulation, etc. Cost estimation, design-space exploration High Level Design More abstract than logic design (described by C, System C, etc.)
Design Flow Logic Design Schematic entry Register-transfer level and logic synthesis Gate-level simulation (functionality, power, etc) Timing analysis Formal verification
Design Flow Design Actions Synthesis Analysis Verification increasing information about the design by providing more detail (e.g., logic synthesis, physical synthesis). Analysis collecting information on the quality of the design (e.g., timing analysis). Verification checking whether a synthesis step has left the specification intact (e.g., layout verification).
Design Flow Design Actions Optimization Design Management increasing the quality of the design by rearrangements in a given description (e.g., logic optimizer, timing optimizer). Design Management storage of design data, cooperation between tools, design flow, etc. (e.g., database).
Logic Synthesizer translates RTL design to gate-level design. Design Flow Logic Synthesis Logic Synthesizer translates RTL design to gate-level design. RTL always @(posedge clk) count = count + 1; : Logic Design Gate-level Design
Design Flow Logic Synthesis Logic synthesis programs transform Boolean expressions into logic gate networks in a particular library. Optimization goals: minimize area, delay, power, etc Technology-independent optimization: logic optimization Optimizes Boolean expression equivalent. Technology-dependent optimization: technology mapping/library binding Maps Boolean expressions into a particular cell library.
Design Flow Logic Design Synthesizer You set the goals (through constraints). Large Area Small Short Delay Long •
Design Flow Two-level: minimize the # of product terms E.g. F = X & Y + X & Y’ F = X Multi-level: minimize the #'s of literals, variables.
Design Flow Logic Synthesis F Decomposed / optimized network Subject graph Logic decomposition/optimization NAND2/INV decomposition Technology mapping
Design Flow Physical Design CMOS A Out V DD GND B 2-input NAND gate
Design Flow Physical Design Full Custom Semi-Custom Cell-Based (ASIC)
Design Flow Physical Design Full Custom Using Full Custom Design we can get exactly what we want. However: 1) Complex to design 2) Takes weeks to fabricate 3) No economies of scale 4) How do we automate the mapping?
Design Flow Physical Design Cell-Based
Design Flow Physical Design Cell-Based FP Place Route
Design for Manufacturing Design Flow Astro Flow Synthesis Placement CTS Routing Floorplanning Design Setup Timing Setup Design for Manufacturing
Design Flow Floor-plan Design Hierarchy {L,M,N} {C} {O,P} {I,J,K} {G,H} {F} {L,M,N} {C} { O , P } {I,J,K} G H {F}
Design Flow Floor-plan: Examples Control ALU Cache FP Reg Mult
Design Flow Floor-plan: Examples Core placement area IP ROM RAM The location of the core, periphery areas and the P/G grid, define the Floorplan of the chip. Rings P/G Grid Straps Periphery area
Design Flow Placement and Routing Routing Placement {L,M,N} {C} {O,P} {I,J,K} {G,H} {F} Routing Placement
Design Flow Placement Example Flipped Cells Abutted Rows INV1 VSS VDD JKFF DFFSR1 AOI221 AND2 BUF2B NOR3 NA21 XOR2 MUX21 Abutted Rows Flipped Cells BUF2B VDD VSS MUX21 INV1 NOR3 XOR2 NA21 AND2 DFFSR1 AOI221 JKFF Non-abutted Rows
Timing-critical cells placed together Design Flow Timing-Driven Placement Cells in a timing-critical path are placed close together to reduce routing-related delays BUF2B VDD VSS MUX21 INV1 NOR3 XOR2 NA21 AND2 DFFSR1 AOI221 JKFF Placement Rows Timing-critical cells placed together
Un-buffered clock tree Design Flow Clock Tree Synthesis synthesize buffers and balanced clock tree network route buffers and optimize the clock tree Un-buffered clock tree Buffered/balanced clock tree
Design Flow A Non-Zero-Skew Clock Tree clock skew = 40 – 12 = 28 units
Design Flow A Zero-Skew Clock Tree clock skew = 0
Design Flow H-Tree Construction Tapping point Clock source
Design Flow MMM (Method of Means and Medians) Algorithm
Route wires between pins Design Flow Routing Example Z A1 A2 OR2A3 A INVA4 Abstract A Z A1 A2 Place the cells Route wires between pins OR2A3 INVA4
Design Flow Channel-based Routing Cells are abutted in rows BUF2B VDD VSS MUX21 INV1 NOR3 XOR2 NA21 JKFF DFFSR1 AOI221 AND2 Channel-based Routing Cells are abutted in rows Routing is in channel area only Overall chip requires more area to allow for channels Older P&R technology
Design Flow Area-based Routing Example Metal 1 is usually Horizontal Metal 2 Vertical Metal 3 Horizontal, etc Metal 3 Stacked Vias Metal 2 Oxide Metal 1
Design Flow Timing-Driven Routing Routing along timing-critical path is given priority: Creates shorter, faster connections Non-critical paths are routed around critical areas: Reduces routability problems for critical paths Does not impact timing of non-critical paths
Design Flow An Example Heap Verilog RTL Code always@(posedge clk) begin if (new_node_idx == 17) complete = 1; else complete = 0; end reheapup ru1(new_node_idx,new_node_value,clk,go,done); endmodule module reheapup(new_node_idx,new_node_value,clk,go,done); /* go 1->0->1 will trigger reheapup to work */ /* go must synchronize to clk */ /* If reheapup is done, the done signal will be set high */ input [7:0] new_node_value; input [4:0] new_node_idx; input clk,go; output done; reg [7:0] heap [15:1]; reg done; reg [4:0] parent_idx, cur_node_idx; reg [7:0] tmp; if (! go) done = 0; cur_node_idx = new_node_idx; if (new_node_idx < 16) heap[new_node_idx] = new_node_value; else if ((! done) && (cur_node_idx!=1)) parent_idx = {1'b0, cur_node_idx[3:1]}; /* divide 2 */ if (heap[cur_node_idx] > heap[parent_idx]) tmp = heap[parent_idx]; heap[parent_idx] = heap[cur_node_idx]; heap[cur_node_idx] = tmp; cur_node_idx = parent_idx; else done = 1'b1; An Example Heap Verilog RTL Code
Design Flow Verilog RTL Code module heap(node_value,clk,fill,complete); input clk,fill; input[7:0] node_value; output complete; reg complete; wire [7:0] new_node_value; reg [4:0] new_node_idx; reg [7:0] data [15:1]; reg [4:0] cnt; reg go; wire done; assign new_node_value = data [new_node_idx]; always@(posedge clk) begin if (!fill) cnt = 0; go = 0; new_node_idx = 1; end else if (cnt != 16) cnt = cnt + 1; if (cnt < 16) data[cnt] = node_value; if ((!go) && cnt == 16 && new_node_idx != 17) begin go = 1; new_node_idx = new_node_idx + 1; else if (done==1) go = 0; else if (new_node_idx == 17) go = 0;
Design Flow Gate Level
Design Flow Floor-Plan
Design Flow Placement
Design Flow CTS Cell Insertion < CLKINVX3 \ru1/U19 (.A(\ru1/n323 ), .Y(\ru1/n522 )); < CLKINVX3 \ru1/U18 (.A(\ru1/n304 ), .Y(\ru1/n544 )); < CLKINVX3 \ru1/U17 (.A(\ru1/n390 ), .Y(\ru1/n400 )); < CLKINVX3 \ru1/U16 (.A(\ru1/n376 ), .Y(\ru1/n387 )); < CLKINVX3 \ru1/U15 (.A(\ru1/n416 ), .Y(\ru1/n429 )); < CLKINVX3 \ru1/U14 (.A(\ru1/n403 ), .Y(\ru1/n413 )); < CLKINVX3 \ru1/U13 (.A(\ru1/n339 ), .Y(\ru1/n535 )); < CLKINVX3 \ru1/U12 (.A(\ru1/n300 ), .Y(\ru1/n510 )); < CLKINVX4 U12 (.A(n196), .Y(n197)); < CLKINVX4 \ru1/U4 (.A(\ru1/n507 ), .Y(\ru1/n208 )); < CLKINVX8 U60 (.A(n202), .Y(n198)); --- > CLKINVX3 U12 (.A(n196), .Y(n197)); > CLKINVX3 U60 (.A(n202), .Y(n198));
Design Flow CTS Routing
Design Flow CTS Clock Skew Analysis ======== Detailed Clock Skew Report ============================ Clock: clk Pin: clk Net: clk ==================================================================== Pin Skew Phase Delay -------------------------------------------------------------------- clk 0.000 0.003 0.003 \cnt_reg[2]/CK 0.000 0.000 0.000 \cnt_reg[1]/CK 0.000 0.000 0.000 \cnt_reg[0]/CK 0.000 0.000 0.000 \new_node_idx_reg[3]/CK 0.000 0.000 0.000 \cnt_reg[3]/CK 0.000 0.000 0.000 \new_node_idx_reg[4]/CK 0.000 0.000 0.000 \new_node_idx_reg[2]/CK 0.000 0.000 0.000 \new_node_idx_reg[1]/CK 0.000 0.000 0.000 \cnt_reg[4]/CK 0.000 0.000 0.000
Design Flow Routing
Design Flow Routing
Design Flow GDSII Physical design Data GDSII Masks Wafer
Mask layout flow
Design for Value Inject concept of function into mask flow Selective OPC (Optical Proximity Correction) Various levels of OPC depending on timing and yield criticality of features Obtain desired level of parametric yield
No OPC Medium OPC Aggressive OPC Design for Value OPC No OPC Medium OPC Aggressive OPC
Design Flow Testing Input Output 0000 0001 0010 vs + =