Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science “Cefas is a world leader in marine science and technology, providing innovative solutions for the aquatic environment, biodiversity and food security”. UK Government's foremost source of marine evidence and applied science. Founded on ability to integrate a uniquely comprehensive national capability. Cefas’ vision is to make a real difference for society as recognised leaders in marine and aquatic science. We do this by supporting the long-term economic prosperity and well-being of the industries, communities and individuals that enjoy and depend on the natural assets found in our marine and freshwater environments.
Who we are… Defra Executive Agency: Est 1902 > a century of fisheries & environmental management Lowestoft, Weymouth, Afloat, Kuwait and Oman with global reach Primary focus: Marine Science - serving Government, Public and Private Sectors at home and internationally c£50m turnover and 550 staff - scientists and technologists Top 5% of 2,500 International institutes (leading citation score in EU) Independent: Government agency Applied: but, close links to Universities (UEA – Collaborative Centre for Sustainable Use of the Seas: Exeter – Living Systems institute, pioneering novel approaches to understanding diseases and how they can be better diagnosed). Currently have over 85 Phd students with about 30 UK universities Integrated: core connection with policy formulation (link research, to applied science to government policy work) 2014 174 peer reviewed papers, with greatest concentration in marine biology and fisheries science. 2015 = 200+
Our technology and facilities R/V Cefas Endeavour, our purpose built ocean-going research vessel, specialising in survey operations. Cefas offers the very latest aerial and marine survey instrumentation and platforms, including in-house developed technology products and a range of autonomous vehicles. Laboratories in Lowestoft and Weymouth, which are dedicated to providing support, analysis and research for our customers’ projects, as well as helping ensure that Cefas stays at the cutting edge of marine and freshwater science and technology.
Marine monitoring Data, evidence and advice to support decision- making on marine resources and activities (planning, licensing or protection). Tools: IT systems, autonomous platforms, acoustic mapping devices and data-sharing initiatives. From sea surface to seabed: Range of moored and autonomous mobile devices. Collection of physical, chemical and biological samples. Real-time or post deployment data delivery. Systems fully quality assured.
New Nuclear Build British Energy (EDF) Marine Management Studies; Thermal and chemical plumes Cooling Water impingement and entrainment Coastal processes & interaction with structures Ecology Construction issues & mitigation Adaptability to climate change
Our unique capabilities Scientific advice Policy advice Fieldwork Technology delivery Capacity building & training Talking with GNF, a joint venture between China General Nuclear Power Corporation and French firm EdF - Bradwell
Win - Win Pragmatic solutions on key environmental and engineering issues to ensure license approval. De-risking licensing timetable and potential license conditions through targeted and robust science. Identifying win-win solutions e.g. Length of outfall impacting on Thermal plumes : Engineering to reduce re-ingestion of thermal plume (impacts on plant efficiency) and environmental studies.
Physical Sciences Programme Director Contact Jon Rees Physical Sciences Programme Director jon.rees@cefas.co.uk Tel. +44(0)1502 524383 Mob. +44(0)7775 550331 http://www.cefas.co.uk