Clans Part 1 Sauk II
Clans Originally, the Sac and Fox were governed by a clan system. Clans which continue are: Fish, Ocean, Thunder, Bear, Fox, Bear Potato, Deer, Beaver, Snow and Wolf. This traditional manner of selecting chiefs and governing themselves was forcibly replaced by United States appointees and an constitution patterned after the American form. http://sacandfoxnation-
Moieties Members of Thakiwaki society have historically belonged to one of two groups–shkasha or kîshkôha–as well as to a clan that has harbored both familial importance as a name group and ceremonial significance as a ritual unit. These memberships have served significant functions in the continued practice of cultural observances, including adoption, naming, and burial ceremonies, a seasonal cycle of clan feasts, and various dances. p?entry=SA001
Moieties Are you Kîshkôha? I am Kîshkôha. I am not Kîshkôha. Kekîshkôhkwêhi? (To a woman) Kekîshkôhi? (To a man) This can also mean “are you a Democrat?” I am Kîshkôha. Netokîshkôhkwêhi (said by a woman) Netokîshkôhi (said by a man) I am not Kîshkôha. Âkwi châhi kîshkôhkwêhiyânini (said by a woman) Âkwi châhi kîshkôhiyânini (said by a man)
Moieties Are you Shkasha? I am Shkasha. I am not Shkasha. Kekîshkôhkwêhi? (To a woman) Kekîshkôhi? (To a man) This can also mean “are you a Republican?” I am Shkasha. Netoshkashîhkwêwi (for a woman) Netoshkashîwi (for a man) I am not Shkasha. Âkwi oshkashîhkwêwiyânini(for a woman) Âkwi oshkashîwiyânini (for a man)
Kechînawêmi? Are you related to me?
Tâni châhi wêchithoyani? What is your clan?
Nemahwêwitho. I am Bear clan.
Netamehkwitho. I am Beaver clan.
Nepeshekethiwitho. I am Deer clan.
Neketiwitho. I am Fish clan.
Newâkoshêhokimâwitho. I am Fox clan.
Nekehchikamîwitho. I am Ocean clan.