“OpenSearch for EO” Evolution Olivier.barois@esa.int
Background OpenSearch for EO Standard [OGC 13-026r8] recently approved at OGC. About to be published. Improved “interoperability” between EO catalogues. Much simpler and cost effective to implement than previous standards. Adopted by CEOS/WGISS -> FEDEO, CWIC Adopted by many EO providers A success story, but… Tailored for RSS clients (Results in Atom format): declining use ? EO Metadata model (the details of the search results) not really “interoperable” Not really optimised for web clients (and existing javascript libraries) -> Many different alternatives of json/geojson base encoding
Way forward ESA and Eumetsat agreed to join their effort to work on a future evolution of the OpenSearch Extension for Earth Observation [OGC 13-026r8] standard Main goal: Adoption at OGC of OpenSearch for EO geojson encoding standard Define a Vocabulary (schema.org + EO name space TBD) Propose an HTML encoding enriched with linked data information Propose a json-ld context to wrap the geojson encoding Drivers Simplify Web developers life (json vs atom/xml) Increase interoperability with clients (geojson) Increase visibility on search engines Facilitate use/understanding of EO metadata in other domains
Underlying tasks Consolidation of the EO metadata Profile of O&M [OGC 10-157r4] Address Comments from EUMETSAT Address Issues pending at OGC Consolidation of current OpenSearch EO [OGC 13-026r8] Feed back from CEOS/WGISS based on: CEOS OpenSearch Best Practice [CEOS-OPENSEARCH-BP-V1.1] CEOS OpenSearch Developer Guide [CEOS-OPENSEARCH-DG-V2.0d2] Issues pending at OGC Encoding of current metadata model in json (geojson) Opportunity: Can ESA and NASA agree on a core set of attributes (a simplified/mass market oriented model) (UMM-G and EOP-O&M Metada Models to a common json attribute model ?) Update exisiting OpenSearchEO Open source library Implement an OpenSearch for EO geojson gateway on FEDEO
Schedule Preliminary study on-going – Collecting inputs KO of activities (contracts under ESA and EUMETSAT): Dec-2016/Jan-2017 Presentation of Standard candidates at OGC TC in Delft (NL): Mar-2017 Update of EO metadata Profile of O&M Update of OpenSearch for EO
Catalogue Search Response as a GeoJson OWS Context Based on OGC Web Service (OWS) Context geojson encoding standard [14-055r2] Use case: distribution of search results { "type": "FeatureCollection", "id": "ngEO-S1-OpenSearchEO-2016-09-09T17:26:23Z", "properties": { "links": { "profiles": [{"href": "http://www.opengis.net/spec/owc-geojson/1.0/req/core”}], "self": [{"href": "https://ngeo.sentinel1.copernicus.eu/ngeo/catalogue/S1_SAR_IW/search?start=2016-06-21T00:00:00Z&stop=2016-07-02T23:59:59Z&bbox=-9.519332,33.814428,19.323589,50.344540&status=ARCHIVED&ngEO_DO={processing:GRD,resolution:HR}&count=1&startIndex=1&format=owc-geojson”}], "next": [{ "href": "https://ngeo.sentinel1.copernicus.eu/ngeo/catalogue/S1_SAR_IW/search?start=2016-06-21T00:00:00Z&stop=2016-07-02T23:59:59Z&bbox=-9.519332,33.814428,19.323589,50.344540&status=ARCHIVED&ngEO_DO={processing:GRD,resolution:HR}&count=1&startIndex=2&format=owc-geojson”}], "prev": [{ "href": ””}] }, "lang" : "en", "title" : "Example of an OpenSearch for EO search response using OWS Context GeoJSON", "updated" : "2016-09-09T17:26:23Z", "creator" : "ngEO-S1 Service", "paging": { "totalResults": "1066", "queryTime": "81.1493", "startIndex": "1", "itemsPerPage": "1" } "bbox" : [-9.519332,33.814428,19.323589,50.344540], "date": "2016-06-21T00:00:00Z/2016-07-02T23:59:59Z", "features": [ …. ] } Envitia Intergraph ImageMatters NGA Terradue USGS Add-ons for OpenSearch Date of search Area filter used for search Time filter used for search
Result items as features/resources of a Geojson OWS Context "features": [{ "type": "Feature", "id": "https://ngeo.sentinel1.copernicus.eu:443/ngeo/catalogue/S1_SAR_IW/search?id=S1A_IW_RAW__0SDV_20160702T181337_20160702T181410_011973_01276C&format=geojson", "geometry": { "coordinates": [ [ [-4.260583, 50.089203], [-4.62393, 51.585003], [-8.305318, 51.179379], [-7.827518, 49.685432], [-4.260583, 50.089203]]], "type": "Polygon” }, "properties": { "title": "S1A_IW_RAW__0SDV_20160702T181337_20160702T181410_011973_01276 (DPA)", "date": "2016-07-02T18:13:41.34Z/2016-07-02T18:14:06.34Z", "updated": "2016-07-02T20:00:00Z", + additional attributes from the EO metadata (parentIdentifier, doi, …) "links": { "self": [{"href": "https://ngeo.sentinel1.copernicus.eu:443/ngeo/catalogue/S1_SAR_IW/search?id=S1A_IW_RAW__0SDV_20160702T181337_20160702T181410_011973_01276C&format=geojson”}], "previews" : [ …. ], "alternates": [ …. ] "data": [ { "href" : "https://s1-pdmcdmz-oda-v-20.sentinel1.eo.esa.int/odabroker/rest/ngEO//S1A_IW_RAW__0SDV_20160702T181337_20160702T181410_011973_01276C?ngEO_DO={processing:GRD,resolution:HR}", "length" : "1745462072”} ], "qualityReport": [ …. ], "via": [ …. ] }, "earthObservation": { "acquisitionInformation": [{ "platform": { … }, "sensor": { … }, "acquisitionParameter": { …. } ], "productInformation": { …. } } } }] Product’s footprint Product start/stop time Add-ons for OpenSearch URI of quicklook Alternate metadata representations (html, eop/xml, …) Product download URI URI of quality report Other product metadata
Mapping of Product metadata attributes Feature geometry Product footprint (polygon, lineString, point, multiPolygon, multiLineString, multiPoint) properties Feature core attributes (date, updated, title, doi, inspire …) Core attributes Product information via URIs (quicklook, alternate metadata representation, download URL, reference to parent products, quality report, …) links earthObservation acquisitionInformation All about the platform (satellite, serial identifier,…) acquisitionInformation platform All about the sensor/instrument (name, description, mode, wavelength, polarization, resolution, …) sensor All about the acquisition (start, stop, orbit, time since ascending node, track, cycle number, angles [sun illumination, sensor look angles, …], …. acquisitionParameter All about the product (status, processing date, algo version, quality, cloud/snow cover, productType, ….) productInformation Heritage vocabulary EO OpenSearch vocabulary
Example for Sentinel-1 Metadata "earthObservation": { "acquisitionInformation": [{ "platform": { "platformShortName": "Sentinel-1", "platformSerialIdentifier": "A" } , "sensor": { "sensorType": "RADAR", "instrument": "SAR", "operationalMode": "IW", "polarisationMode": "D", "polarisationChannels": "VV, VH" }, "acquisitionParameter": { "startTimeFromAscendingNode": "812738", "stopTimeFromAscendingNode": "837736", "orbitNumber": "11973", "relativePassNumber": "121" } }], "productInformation": { "productType": ”SLC", "status": "ARCHIVED", "processingDate": "2016-07-03T15:26:23Z"
Thank you !