Problems of protection of archaeological heritage in Latvia Vilnius 31 Sandra Zirne Head of Department Archaeology and History Egita Ziediņa Department Arhaeology and History
Archaeological monuments There are ~ 2,500 arhaeological monuments registered in Latvia: ancient residential settlements (settlements, villages, hillforts, lake settlements, medieval castles, cultural layer), different types of ancient burial sites and their surface formations, medieval cemeteries, cult sites (sacred stones, trees, caves, groves), hydraulic structures, roads, remains of manufacturing premises, deposits, ancient battlefields, ships and their loads, ancient hand-made items. Archaeological monuments are found in the ground, above the ground surface level or under water, and they are studied using archaeological methods. List of state protected cultural heritage monuments is published in Latvijas Vēstnesis (the Official Journal of the Republic of Latvia).
Main groups of archaeological monuments
Contemporary Legislation on Heritage Protection The protection of cultural monuments in Latvia is guaranteed by State; the system of legislation and normative acts governing the preservation of cultural heritage in the state consists of: The Law on Protection of Cultural monuments together with Statutes of State Inspection for Heritage Protection (established by the Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia); Convention Concerning the protection of World Cultural and national Heritage sites (and other Conventions); In addition, another 37 laws and normative acts relate aspects of cultural heritage protection.
Endangerment of archaeological sites Treasure hunters (using metal detectors in archaeological sites) Illicit trading of archaelogical artefacts
Instruction on the Order the Art and Antiquarian Goods are Imported and Exported from the Republic of Latvia II The Art and Antiquarian Goods Export of which from the Republic of Latvia are not permitted. Artefacts from the museums. Objects or their pieces, which are included in the list of the Cultural Monuments of the Republic of Latvia or in accordance with the Clause 17 of the Law “On the Protection of the Cultural Monuments” are the new-found cultural monuments. 7. Ancient artifacts found in the archaeological excavations in Latvia.
Destructions in archaeological monuments in 2011 (Criminal processes) Kampu- Ģūģeru senkapi un apmete Lieta kriminālprocesā Smoņu senkapi (Zviedru kapi) Lieta kriminālprocesā
Destructions in archaeological monuments in 2011 (Criminal processes) Kalnakaudžu senkapi (Miroņkalniņš) Lieta kriminālprocesā Strūgukalna viduslaiku kapsēta
The Criminal Law Section 79. Destruction of Cultural and National Heritage For a person who commits the intentional destruction of such values, which constitute part of the cultural or national heritage the applicable punishment is deprivation of liberty for a term not exceeding seventeen years or a fine not exceeding two hundred times the minimum monthly wage. Section 229. Destruction of and Damage to Cultural Monuments (1) For a person who commits destruction of or damage to a cultural monument protected by the State, the applicable punishment is deprivation of liberty for a term not exceeding four years, or custodial arrest, or community service, or a fine not exceeding eighty times the minimum monthly wage.
Public discussion about changes in the legislative process Purposes: to ensure that archaelogical evidences and the context can not be destroyed; minimize the destruction of the archaelogiacal monuments proteced by the state.
Public discussion about changes in the legislative process Possible solutions: education and general understanding about significance of archaeological heritage; the legal framework and sankcions; practical monitoring and control; opportunity to explore history, correctly, legally, the value of non destructive way; the economic benefits; information about the monuments in the environment.
Public discussion about changes in the legislative process Oportunity to improove the legal framework and sankcions. The propossals include amendments to the Civill law, the law “On Protection of Cultural Monuments” and Administrative Violations code. And they determine: State ownership to te heritage - artefacts found in the ground, above the ground surface level or under water, up to the 17th century include. Prohibition to export state-owned archaeological artefacts from Latvia; Limiting use of devices for detecting metal objects and material density in terrtories and protection zones of archaeological monuments; Specify information procedure about the newly-discovered objects which are found in the ground, above the ground surface level, under water or in ancient buildings, having historical, scientific, artistic or other cultural value, as well as determine the responsibility for this failure.