Identity and Relationships A Study of Ethics and Morals
Global Context / Statement of Inquiry Global Contexts – Identities and Relationships Key Concepts –Identity Related Concepts – Theme, Context, POV Statement of Inquiry – 1.) Students will explore the identity of authors and characters 2.) Investigate the development of identity in the Hero’s Journey 3.) Discover how moral reasoning and ethical judgment shape characters in The Odyssey 4.) The Life of Pi and search for evidence of moral reasoning in the self-expression in I am Malala.”
Ethics and Morals In groups answer the following: How would you define ethics? How would you define morals? Are they the same? Different? How so? Explain. Come up with 4 examples of ethics / ethical situations and 4 examples of morals.
What forms our identities? Family Friends Environment Culture Society Life Experiences / Actions
Ethics and Morality Lawrence Kohlberg Thomas Aquinas Natural Law Theory Stages of Moral Development
Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) Middle Ages Biblical / Aristotelian Ethics Natural Law Theory – Humans determine right and wrong – Justice, Virtue, Duty, Language. Leading principles of the early Catholic Church
Natural Law Examples Examples: Education – “Right – needed for humans…is their right, because intellectual growth requires development”(Natural Law and Natural Rights). Murder – “Wrong – Life is essential to humans…depriving someone of life is inherently wrong” (Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Stanford Prison Experiment – Natural Law in The Iliad and The Odyssey (Print Pages 37-38) - natural+law+and+the+odyssey&source=bl&ots=5ZBQcl3c81&sig=gax_OiYpRy4sEK vMbPkCRqJayXw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwia8vKGlajOAhUG4iYKHUPoClMQ6 AEIGzAA#v=onepage&q=natural%20law%20and%20the%20odyssey&f=false
Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987) – Stages of Moral Development Schooling -Studied at the University of Chicago – Earned BA in 1 year. -Grad. School – Harvard -Prof. – University of Chicago - Created psychological field – Moral Development 2. 6 Stages of Moral Development / 3 Levels – How people justify behaviors
Examples of Stages of Morality 0&app=desktop Malala Interview -
Ethics vs. Moral Ethics: Parenthood – Parents are to protect their children Parents are to support their children Morals Malala’s father supported her fight for education knowing that she would be in danger. Were his moral decisions ethically right or wrong? Explain.
Works Cited Mr. Cook when you cite incorrectly… Himma, Kenneth Einar. "Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Aug. 2016. Myers, David G. Psychology. 8th ed. New York: Worth, 2007. 2- 8. Print. Rommen, Heinrich A. "The Natural Law, by Heinrich A. Rommen." The Natural Law. N.p., Web. 04 Aug. 2016.
Text to Life Connections / Questions