Final Client Project: J. Larberg Photography MKT 146-351
Client Background J. Larberg Photography Individual photographer specializing in intimate family events Serves the greater KC area, willing to travel for events Objectives (over one year) Challenges - Increase number of clients - Specific target audience - Increase website views and interaction - Competitive industry - Increase followers on platforms by 15% - Low operating budget - Increase information distribution on various platforms
Benchmark J. Larberg Photography Beginning Assessment:
Implementation J. Larberg Photography Strategies Facebook: Targeted to leads with more time to look at work Artist history How-To photography articles Links to art shows Emphasizing my approach to photography Instagram: Targeted to fine artists, clients, and friends Images I find interesting More geared towards fine art What fuels my commercial work Personal events and celebrations Twitter: Geared towards on-the-go business clients Examples of commercial work with tagged businesses Growing social community, increasing visibility and credibility Photographs and phrases on brand persona
Implementation J. Larberg Photography Editorial Calendar (1 of 2)
Implementation J. Larberg Photography Editorial Calendar (2 of 2)
Implementation J. Larberg Photography Social Ad Mockup
Results J. Larberg Photography Most current assessment:
Future Action J. Larberg Photography Facebook Twitter Instagram Successes #jcccphoto Client work Client work and interactions Selfies and work prints Failures Artist profiles - Personal brand encouragement posts - Cat pictures, plain photographs Ideas Link to blog posts Campaign promoting my freelance work, emphasizing Blackdog Coffeehouse Utilize Hootsuite Dashboard to find relevant posts and influencers Campaign to promote events and on-location photography Keep instagram as is Use more hashtags in comments Primarily drive interest through location tagging and commenting