The value of our information: its market value and impact in the Society.
For INEGI, it is vital to have information to measure, with precision, its media interaction and positioning, in order to have solid basis for strategic decision making in the field of the communication strategy. In 2013, the methodology and results of the report named "INEGI in the Media“ was revised and improved, resulting in a document that reflects accurately the monthly institutional positioning in the media. INTRODUCTION
Monthly impacts report In the first section of the document, indicators on the information disseminated by INEGI are presented: Issues and number of published ratings, its impact, market value analysis in detail according to their appearance on television, radio, internet and/or in printed media. The second section shows the attention given to the media representatives: bulletins, interviews, regional dissemination, attention to the information requests, among others. Monthly impacts report
Measuring the impact and market value - The information presented in this report is the result from daily monitoring the media. - The information is captured in the database "INEGI in the Media," which is available in the Institute´s intranet and can be accessed daily. RADIO AND TELEVISION 1. The potential impacts on the radio and television are obtained by multiplying the number of notes by the audience, which values are obtained through a specialized company that provides the rating and the audience released by its measurement system, with the universe of study being people over 8 years old in 52 cities in the country. 2. The market value of a note allows to know the cost that would have resulted in scenario that the note had been paid. To obtain the market value of radio and television programmes, it is considered the rate by second.
Measuring the impact and its market value PRINTED MEDIA The potential impacts of the printed media are obtained by multiplying the monthly circulation by the number of published notes. The market value of the notes issued in printed media is provided by a specialized monitoring company, who makes this measurement combining the length of the notes and the commercial value of the section in which the note was located. This market value is defined by the same media, according to the western habits reading.
Measuring the impact and its market value INTERNET Due to the excessively great amount of sites that publish information of INEGI -approximately 500 sites registered until now- we measure only the 20 percent that have the highest traffic flow. The potential impacts are obtained by considering the number of daily visits reported by the sites; if there is one or more notes published in a same day, it is considered that the notes have the same impact as the total number of the site visitors, thus, the record is binary: one or more notes in a day is equal to the total number of the site accesses. When there are no notes in a day, the impact is zero. If the note remains several days, it is only considered the impact on the day it was published. The market value is obtained by matching the price by day of an standard banner in the site with a note. In other words, if there is a note, its market value is equal to a banner´s price.
Some examples of the main indicators included in the monthly impacts report are: Monthly comparison for the number of notes Number of notes by subject Notes by type of media 1 2 January February 3 Printed Media Radio T.V. INTERNET
Some examples of the main indicators included in the monthly report of impact are: Detailed report of unfavorable notes. Impacts and its market value. 1 Media Notes Impacts Market Value Television 425 71,583,386 $41,721,285 Printed Media 2,976 50,054,748 $31,529,680 Radio 786 23,073,761 $72,185,900 Internet 5,324 91,968,808 $6,387,667 Total 9,511 236,680,703 $151,824,532 2
The value of our information: its market value and impact in the Society. Thank you!