Some Result of HyCal Resolution


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Presentation transcript:

Some Result of HyCal Resolution Liyang Jiang CIAE/UNCW

Energy Resolution of PWO

General Information Run: 4280; Crystal: centered on W2016 for 5 minute deep statistics run; Hycal Calibration Constants: gain5_iter; Landau*Gaussian Fit.

Fitting Results (PWO) Eg=5.47GeV Eg=4.76GeV Eg=3.09GeV Eg=2.27GeV

Linearity of Ec at PWO E cluster (GeV)

Sigma/E vs Eg at PWO

Energy Resolution at Lead Glass

Information Run: 4279; Crystal: centered on G657 for 5 minute deep statistics run; Hycal Calibration Constants: gain5_iter; Landau*Gaussian Fit.

Fitting Results (Glass) Eg=5.47GeV Eg=4.76GeV Eg=3.09GeV Eg=2.27GeV

Linearity of Ec at Glass E cluster (GeV)

Sigma/E vs Eg at Glass

Position Resolution at PWO

Gaussian Fit Results (PWO) Eg=5.47GeV Eg=4.76GeV X (cm) X (cm) Eg=3.09GeV Eg=2.27GeV X (cm) X (cm)

X VS E gamma (PWO) X (cm)

X sigma VS E gamma (PWO)

Position Resolution at Glass

Gaussian Fit Results (Glass) Eg=5.47GeV Eg=4.76GeV Eg=3.09GeV Eg=2.27GeV

X VS E gamma (Glass)

X sigma VS E gamma (Glass)

Position Resolution at Different Place

PWO Information Run: 5348 (Second Snake Scan) Scan from W1884 to W1851

Fitting Results

Sigma Y VS X (PWO)

Beam-on modular id of Run 4279 Erratum in Logbook Beam-on modular id of Run 4279 Logbook, page 240, Run 4279: “Centered on Glass 587 – deep statistics”; Online database, Run 4279: “Centered on G657 for 5 minute deep statistics run”.

Information from EPICS bank; Reconstructed X and Y position; Erratum in Logbook Information from EPICS bank; Reconstructed X and Y position; Energy deposit in each modular.

Position info in EPICS bank Erratum in Logbook Position info in EPICS bank In EPICS bank, the value of position is not changed through Run 4279. ptrans_x.RBV =448.47 mm, ptrans_y.RBV =257.37 mm.

Reconstructed position Erratum in Logbook Reconstructed position X=-44.34 cm Y=-25.53 cm

Mean Energy deposited in each modular (T counter 30) Erratum in Logbook Mean Energy deposited in each modular (T counter 30) G595 1.515E-03 G596 4.401E-03 G597 6.869E-03 G598 4.868E-03 G599 1.817E-03 G625 3.884E-03 G626 2.487E-02 G627 7.279E-02 G628 2.629E-02 G629 5.202E-03 G655 6.400E-03 G656 7.521E-02 G657 2.590E+00 G658 1.084E-01 G659 8.046E-03 G685 5.443E-03 G686 2.572E-02 G687 1.057E-01 G688 3.230E-02 G689 6.081E-03 G715 1.868E-03 G716 5.196E-03 G717 8.647E-03 G718 5.512E-03 G719 1.831E-03

Erratum in Logbook Conclusion The evidence listed above proved that in Run 4279, the beam is hit on the modular G657. The note about Run 4279 in the logbook Page 240 “Centered on Glass 587 …” should be “Centered on Glass 657…”. NO Lead Glass modular numbered 587.