HOW TO UPLOAD AND PLACE PHOTOS IN THE YEARBOOK USING MONARCH BY JOSTENS Go to and enter our job number and your username and password
To launch Monarch, go to where it says CREATE in the upper left and select the dropdown option that says “Monarch by Jostens.”
Uploading Photos to Monarch Using Cubic Explorer Select the Cubic Explorer icon to upload photos
This is a 3-step process: Uploading the photos to Monarch Moving the uploaded photos from the uploads folder to your personal folder Moving the photos you want to use to your page folder (this will be done later when you’re making your page)
In Cubic Explorer, go to UPLOAD FILES icon in lower right
Find the photo(s) you want to upload and upload them Find the photo(s) you want to upload and upload them. You cannot just drag and drop! FYI – there is a 500 mg. limit per upload
In Cubic Explorer, go to BOOKMARKS in the upper left window and find the UPLOADS folder in the BOOKMARKS tab. Find your photo(s) that you uploaded and select them.
You need to cut and paste the photo(s) to a different location, so select the photo(s) you uploaded, right click, and CUT them from the uploads folder.
Now, go to DIGITAL PHOTOS on the upper left in the BOOKMARKS tab and select the SUBFOLDER with YOUR NAME and right click to PASTE the photo(s) into it.
Now, go to DIGITAL PHOTOS on the upper left in the BOOKMARKS tab and select the SUBFOLDER with YOUR NAME and right click to PASTE the photo(s) into it. Check the dialogue box to confirm that you are pasting into YOUR FOLDER.
Once you have finished uploading your photo(s) and successfully moved them into your subfolder, you can close out of the Cubic Explorer by clicking the red X.
When you decide what photos you want to use on your page, you will need to go back into your subfolder and move those photos to your page folder. Go to DIGITAL PHOTOS on the upper left in the BOOKMARKS tab and select the SUBFOLDER with YOUR NAME and right click to CUT the photo(s) from your folder.
Now, go to YEARBOOK PAGES on the upper left in the BOOKMARKS tab and select and select your DEADLINE FOLDER. Then select YOUR SPECIFIC PAGE FOLDER and right click to PASTE the photo(s) into it. Check the dialogue box to confirm that you are pasting into YOUR PAGE FOLDER.
Once you have successfully moved your photo(s) into your specific page folder, you can close out of the Cubic Explorer by clicking the red X.
Placing Photos On Your Yearbook Page Using Monarch Select the InDesign icon and follow the steps to open and edit your yearbook page If you get this error message, just click ok
With your page open, select the picture frame box that you want to place your photo into. Then, go to FILE and PLACE.
Select the Team Drive (T:) on the left hand side of the dialogue box Select the Team Drive (T:) on the left hand side of the dialogue box. Then select 2017 YearTech. Next, select Yearbook Pages. Then find your DEADLINE folder and your PAGE FOLDER.
Within your PAGE FOLDER, select the photo that you want to use and click open. If you get an Image Import Options box that comes up, click ok.
Your image should place inside the photo box you selected Your image should place inside the photo box you selected. You will need to SCALE/CROP the image by double clicking on it and resizing the BLUE BOX.
To be safe, hit command+s or do a FILE>SAVE after placing each photo on the page. Save often