Presentation title : Current situation of Mongolian national curriculum and assessment Presenter : Khishigbayar BADAMSAMBUU /Hishge/ Tungalagtuul Khaltar /Tugi/
Designing and developing /what/ Implementation and ensuring /how/ Content Part 1: Designing and developing /what/ Implementation and ensuring /how/ Part 2: Competency based approach National assessment
Introduction of MONGOLIA
Introduction of MONGOLIA Population: 3 mil Terriroty: 1.5 mil sq km Transition since 1990’s Socialist – Free market East - West Transition in Education: Soviet model –International/national education 10 – 11 – 12 years schooling Academic knowledge – Life skills Teacher centered – Student centered
Currency = Tugrig Chingis Khaan created the Great Empire of Mongol in 13th century.
4 seasons Temperature is between -30 + 30
Ulaanbaatar Population of Ulaanbaatar – 1.275.000 63.9% of the population is under 35
Ger – traditional house Nomads live in a GER. It is easy to move and comfortable for them to live.
Part 1: Why /Curriculum development/ Democratic party /2012-2016/ Government national program: ‘Educated Mongolia’ MECS national program: ‘Education quality reform’ /Each child should be developed/ - Curriculum redesigning /redeveloping - Teacher - Talent - READ Challenge: Each child development VS Teacher centered method
Part 1: When /Curriculum development/ 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Primary Develop Pilot Implement Lower secondary Upper secondary Challenges: Quality and Alignment due to time constraints Schedule is delaying due to over workload
Part 1: Who Curriculum development MECS Support 1 2 Pilot 3 4 6 Policy Management Development Management: Supporting team: Representatives of Institutions Role: Overall management Provide guidance Report to MECS Piloting team: specialists and teachers Role: Pilot curriculum and textbook at laboratory 40 schools Coordination between developers and schools To provide recommendation to revise curriculum Challenge: Collaboration and coordination
Part 1: Who Curriculum development MECS Support 1 2 Pilot 3 4 6 Policy Management Development 1 – Curriculum 2 – Textbook 3 – School administrative 4 – Assessment 5 – Teacher training 6 – Teacher preparation Institute of Education Research Education Evaluation Center Institute of In-service Teacher Training University of Education Challenge: Capacity building of Institutions
Part 1: What Curriculum package Products /package/ Curriculum and Guide /framework/ Textbook and Teacher book Challenges: Quality and alignment Alignment between Curriculum and Textbook Alignment between Guide and Teacher book
Part 1: What Curriculum development Assessment Textbook CORE TEAM Teacher development School administrative
Part 1: How Curriculum development Goal and Objectives - from Input to Outcome based 2. Grouping subjects - from subject to grouping based GOAL Science Physics Chemistry Biology Geography Social science History Art PE & Health Education Goals Grouping goals Subject objectives Challenge: Negotiation and Crossing horizontal and vertical Horizontal negotiation is among SUBJECTS and GROUPINGS Vertical negotiation should align Horizontal GOALS and Objectives
Part 1. How Piloting to revise curriculum Developing Institutions Piloting Laboratory 40 schools Implementing All 756 schools Challenge: Developing and Piloting is occurring same time due to time constraints /time/ Coordination is needed for all activities /management/
Part 1. How Teaching / Learning Content Student Teacher Content ??? Teacher - Lesson Challenge: Alignment between Curriculum and Assessment Curriculum and Teaching
Part 1: Lesson learned Curriculum Assessment Teaching CHILD DEVELOPMENT can make ALIGNMENT between Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment.
Part 1: Summary Are we aligning between Curriculum and Assessment Yes: at the starting period of 1. understanding /developers/ Not yet: 1. in developing curriculum and assessment 2. making connections among institutions /management/ 3. implementing and practicing Mongolia has been doing dramatic changes recently in understanding the importance of Child development through redeveloping curriculum. However, it is not reached yet at the level of aligning Curriculum and Assessment.
Part 2 Reflection on competency based approach in assessment Education Evaluation Center is the agency of the Ministry of Education Culture and Science of Mongolia with the responsibility to monitor and evaluate educational quality of primary and secondary education . Before 2013 our function was to conduct University entrance examination throughout the country.
Part 2 Reflection on competency based approach in assessment By the year of 2000 the students have multiple choice previously been tested using papers. (predominantly tested factual knowledge)
National assessments on learning achievement Grade 5 Mathematics Native language Human and nature Grade 9 mathematics Native language Science subject /combined content / Social science/combined content/ Grade 12 Foreign language Optional / choose one subject/
Part 2 Reflection on competency based approach in assessment Today at all grade levels question types were linked to particular assessment objectives ( skill categories) to remove the confusion in the existing tests. This was to improve the clarity of mapping between questions and assessment objectives.(skills)
Part 2 Reflection on competency based approach in assessment In 2014 The test specification of Mongolian Language and Mathematics of Grade 5 and 9 were developed to embrace more open ended question, especially at grade 9 where no multiple choice questions. At grade 5 multiple choice questions remain but a reduced level.
Part 2 Reflection on competency based approach in assessment The testing of language study(vocabulary, grammar, punctuation) usually by multiple choice questions but today it is recognised that these areas can be effectively tested as part of Reading and writing sections of paper. Accordingly all papers have two parts of papers on multiple choice questions and open ended questions which assess skills of students. In 2015 national assessment papers of grades 5,9,12 Foreign language, Social science and Science subjects have two sets of papers.
Part 2 Reflection on competency based approach in assessment Skill Paper 1 Paper 2 Expected scores Structure Knowledge 30 40 questions and every question is one point. Answer of multiple choice questions have 4 options.A,B,C,D 10 Paper 2 is open ended questions . Understanding and problem solving 6 34 scientific approach (Creative thinking) 4 16 total 40 60
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