E. Hale Curran Universal Access Parent Information Night September 29, 2016
We are always available to talk ! Welcome! Introductions We are always available to talk ! 696-1405
What is Universal Access? “Kid by Kid, Skill by Skill” A structured time within the school day where students are grouped by their learning needs Designed to help children improve achievement and proficiency at all academic levels Does NOT replace the student’s regular reading and math program, it is in addition to it. State approved curriculum Research based programs
How was my child selected for a particular Universal Access Group? Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) Scholastic Foundational Reading Assessment (FRA) Scholastic Phonics Assessment (SPI) Scholastic Math Inventory (SMI) I read screen (k-2) Easy CBM (Curriculum Based Measurement) I Ready (Diagnostic Assessment) Teacher referral
Flexiblity Ongoing progress monitoring to ensure proper student placement and maximum growth Groups change on an ongoing bases as students needs change and progress is made Math 180 and Read 180 are year long programs that ensures independent growth for each and every student
What can parents do to help at home? Model the importance of reading and math Mindset- Effort and Perseverance Have students read “just right” books (within their lexile) and make sure they are reading daily (School Wide Reading Counts Program) Computer lab (300 pod) (8:10-8:30 and 2:40-3:00) Computer websites for students: www.arcademicskillbuilders.com www-k6.thinkcentral.com www.starfall.com www.coolmath.com www.scootpad.com www.aplusmath.com RAZ kids www.xtramath.org www.readinga-z.com www.mathplayground.com/index.html
Parental Involvement Parent Volunteers- classroom, library, computer lab, reading lab Attend school/ parent events Coffee with the Principal and Counselor Coffee with EL Parents PTA
Breakout Sessions There will be two 20 minute breakout sessions.