Cervical vertebrae C1-C7 C1 (atlas) C2 (axis) C7 (vertebra prominens) Supports head Lacks body and spinous process Superior articular facets articulate with occipital bone Lets you nod C2 (axis) Tooth shaped process (dens) projects up through vertebral foramen of atlas and is a pivot for side-side movement C7 (vertebra prominens) Large spinous process at base of neck
Vertebrae Thoracic vertebra T1-T12 Lumbar vertebrae L1-L5 Sacrum Larger and stronger than cervical Have facets for articulation with ribs Lumbar vertebrae L1-L5 Large spinous processes well adapted for attachment of large back muscles Sacrum Triangular bone formed by the fusion of 5 sacral vertebrae Foundation for pelvic girdle Coccyx Formed by fusion of 4 coccygeal vertebrae
Thorax Refers to entire chest Skeletal portion = thoracic cage Sternum, coastal cartilage, ribs, bodies of thoracic vertebrae Functions: Enclose and protect organs in the thoracic cavity and upper abdominal cavity Support for bones of shoulder girdle and upper limbs
Sternum (breastbone) 3 bones that fuse by age 25 Manubrium Body Articulates with clavicles and 1st and 2nd rib Body Articulates either directly of indirectly with ribs 2-10 Xiphoid process Provides attachment for abdominal muscles
Ribs 12 pairs up the sides of the thoracic cavity < in length from 1-7 > in length 8-12 Articulate posterioly with thoracic vertebrae 1-7 direct attachment to sternum by coastal cartilage = true ribs 8-10 attach indirectly or not at all, false ribs 11-12 are floating ribs Spaces between ribs = intercoastal space and are occupied by intercoastal muscles, blood vessels, and nerves
Pectoral (shoulder) girdle Attaches bones of the upper limb to the axial skeleton Clavicle Scapula Do not articulate with vertebral column
Clavicle (collarbone) Medial end articulates with the sternum, lateral end with the acromion of the scapula Transmits mechanical force from the upper limb to the trunk
Scapula (shoulder blade) A sharp ridge (spine) runs diagonally across the posterior surface Later is the acromion Inferior is the glenoid cavity Articulates with the head of the humerus Caracoid process Projection to which muscles attach