Ms. Straub 8th Grade Life Science


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Presentation transcript:

Ms. Straub 8th Grade Life Science Endangered Species Ms. Straub 8th Grade Life Science

Endangered Species Introduction Task Process Resources Assessment Conclusion Additional Info

Attention scientists and animal rights activists! INTRODUCTION Attention scientists and animal rights activists! Your action is needed! A crisis is unfolding at the hands of human activity. Our actions are destroying Mother Earth at an alarming rate. Both plant and animal species are disappearing from the planet and more and more species are added to the threatened/endangered list each day. Did you know that 99% of currently threatened species are at risk from human activities that are causing global warming, destroying habitats, and introducing exotic species to new lands? As much as 50% of our planet's species will possibly become extinct by the mid century? That is only 35 years away and WILL occur in your lifetime! That is why it is YOUR responsibility to preserve the future of our great planet. BACK

INTRODUCTION Since the creation of the Endangered Species Act, in 1973, The Endangered Species Protection Program has hired experts, like you, to meet with Congress to encourage environmental reform. BACK

TASK Endangered Species BACK Your job is to research and present information to congress, imploring them to take action. Your presentation will include general facts about endangered species, details about one specific endangered species, and an action plan for Congress to take. Before you begin your research, watch the following video. Endangered Species BACK

PROCESS You will be working in groups of 3 and each student will be assigned a role to fulfill in your group. “THE READER” You will read each component of the WebQuest to the group. “THE RECORDER” You will neatly write and organize all of your group’s research. “THE LEADER” You will ensure that your group remains on task and completes the WebQuest properly. If the group has any questions for the teacher, you will be the spokesperson! NEXT

PROCESS PART 1: General Questions Answer the following questions using the provided resources to help you. 1. Define an endangered species. Kid's Britannica 2. Visit the following website to list and describe the human actions that lead to a species becoming endangered: You must include 1) habitat loss, 2) hunting/poaching, 3) invasive species, 4) climate change, and 5) pollution. You may discuss others if you like! Wildscreen Arkive. NEXT

PROCESS PART 1 c’tnd… NEXT 3. How does the extinction of another species affect humans? Maryland Zoo 4. What can the average person do to help endangered species? Endangered Species Coalition 5. Read the following information to help you start thinking about an action plan that you can present to Congress to further the protection of endangered species. National Wildlife Federation NEXT

PROCESS PART 2: Specific Species Answer the following questions using the provided resources to help you. 1. Visit A-Z Animals and choose a specific species from the “critically endangered”, “endangered”, “vulnerable”, or “threatened” lists. A-Z Animals 2. Click on that species and find the following information: -scientific name -diet, prey, predators -classification -life span -physical characteristics -reproduction -habitat -threats -5 interesting facts NEXT

PROCESS PART 3: Action Plan Develop an action plan that you can present to Congress. This action plan should persuade the members of Congress to enact new laws or take other actions to protect endangered species. NEXT

PART 4: PowerPoint Presentation PROCESS PART 4: PowerPoint Presentation Organize all of your research into a PowerPoint presentation. This presentation must include the answers to all general questions, the research about your species, and the action plan your group developed. You must include a picture for each of the questions you answered. I recommend using a new slide for each question! Next BACK

RESOURCES Next BACK VIDEO ACTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT Endangered Species National Wildlife Federation GENERAL SPECIES QUESTIONS Kid's Britannica Wildscreen Arkive Maryland Zoo Endangered Species Coalition INDIVIDUAL SPECIES RESEARCH A-Z Animals Next BACK

ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT Back ADVANCED 3 PROFICIENT 2 BASIC 1 UNSATISFACTORY RESEARCH QUESTIONS All questions are answered clearly and accurately. All questions are answered clearly with less than 2 errors. All questions are answered clearly with less than 4 errors. Questions are unanswered or more than 4 errors. INTERNET USE Successfully uses Internet links to find information and navigates within these sites without assistance. Usually able to use Internet links to find information and navigates within these sites without assistance. Occasionally able to use Internet links to find information and navigates within these sites without assistance. Needs assistance or supervision to use suggested Internet links and/or to navigate within these sites. PRESENTATION Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, and effects to enhance the presentation. Makes good use of font, color, graphics, and effects to enhance the presentation. Use of font, color, graphics, and effects, but occasionally these detract from the presentation content or do not enhance the presentation. No use of unique font, color, graphics, or effects in presentation. GROUP WORK All students were fully cooperative and contributed equally to the WebQuest at all times. Students needed few reminders to work cooperatively towards the goal. Students needed frequent reminders to work cooperatively towards the goal. Students unsuccessfully worked together and prevented each other from completing the WebQuest. Back

NOW I IMPLORE YOU TO BE ACTIVE! CONCLUSION Congratulations! After completing this WebQuest, not only are you now an expert on one endangered species, you also now understand how the loss of a species effects the entire planet. You are also now aware of how different organizations help protect these species and you even know how YOU can help yourself. NOW I IMPLORE YOU TO BE ACTIVE! What will you do???? *Please provide me feedback on this WebQuest! Answer these questions on an index card anonymously.* 1. What are the three most interesting things you learned? 2. What was the best part of this WebQuest? 3. How can this WebQuest be improved? Next BACK

ADDITIONAL INFO Next BACK Common Core Standards Expected Time Line ELA/Literacy Ri.5.7. Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently. RI.5.4. Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area RI.5.9. Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably. W.5.7. Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic. SL.5.4. Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace SCIENCE S3.A.1.4. 1Identify different characteristics of plants and animals that help some populations survive and reproduce in greater numbers. Describe how environmental changes can cause extinction in plants and animals. S4.A.1.3.5  Provide examples, predict, or describe how everyday human activities (e.g., solid waste production, food production and consumption, transportation, water consumption, energy production and use) may change the environment. Expected Time Line 4, 90-minute class periods (1 period for research, ½ period for action plan development, 1 ½ periods for creation of presentation, 1 period for presentations) Next BACK

CREDITS Thank you to the following sources for providing the information needed to complete this WebQuest assignment! National Geographic Kid’s Britannica Wildscreen Arkive The Maryland Zoo Endangered Species Coalition National Wildlife Federation A-Z Animals Google Images Next BACK