IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Fifth Grade Newsletter Lupton/Quinones August 28 – September 1, 2017 Reading Math Your child will continue reading Steal Away Home by Lois Ruby. He/she will finish reading the first half of the novel this week. Your child will take the Reading Test on chapters 1-14 on Friday. Students need to study the vocabulary definitions for the first test. The test will have vocabulary questions and comprehension questions. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Your child will be continuing his/her study of Unit 1. The lessons this week will cover multiplying by 2 digit numbers and dividing by 1 and 2 digit numbers. This skill can be overwhelming when a student is not confident with multiplication facts. Please encourage him/her to share with you how they are progressing with this skill. Tuesday, September 5th - First Progress Report - Progress Reports and Report cards will be shared on-line through Parent Portal. Call Jean Purnell at MES (912) 728-3262 for a Parent Portal account or if you do not have Internet access. Vocabulary Words for Chapters 1-14 1. coroner- an officer of the county whose job is to investigate a death not resulting from natural causes 2. civilly- peacefully; without making trouble 3. ruffians- tough; lawless people 4. economical- sparing; avoiding waste or extravagance 5. stampede- a sudden rush of a herd of frightened animals especially cattle or horses 6. chauffeur- a person employed to drive a private automobile or limousine for the owner 7. witticisms- witty remarks or jokes 8. autopsy- inspection and dissection of a body after death, as for determination of the cause of death 9. skeptical- in a doubtful manner; suspiciously 10. fugitive- a person who is fleeing from prosecution or intolerable circumstances; a runaway Science Your child will be taking the Physical Science Unit 1 test on Tuesday, Aug. 29th. He/she has a study guide to help prepare for the test . It is also available on Mrs. Lupton’s webpage. The remainder of the week will focus on using science facts to create a three paragraph paper. This project will be completed in class. Word Study This week’s word study words contain the long i and long o sounds. The long i sound can be spelled igh or y-e. The long o sound can be spelled o, oa, ow, or o-consonant-e. Social Studies Schedule Tue., Aug. 29th – Science Test Thurs., Aug. 31st – Spirit Day; Ice Cream pre-payment deadline Fri., Sept. 1st- Reading Test Tue., Sept. 5th – Ice Cream begins; Progress Report available on Parent Portal Wed., Sept. 6th – Multiplication Challenge Your child will be completing a menu project this week to demonstrate their understanding of the Government and Civic Understandings standards. Grammar Your child will continue the study of study of conjunctions this week.