Funding schema to support public/private initiatives Call for proposals Observatory Plenary meeting Alicante, 28-29 October 2014
SCHEME 1: BILATERAL AGREEMENTS WITH NATIONAL OFFICES Scope: - Promotion and information activities on the CTM and RCD systems - Public awareness programmes and campaigns - Enforcement activities related to the work of the Observatory. Timeline 2015 Proposals from NO: to be sent by 1st November 2014 Evaluation by Office: November Signature of new agreement: by end of 2014 OHIM co-finances the activities: 80 % of the costs (eligible) are refunded !
General objectives: aligned with annual work programmes SCHEME 2: CALL FOR PROPOSALS General objectives: aligned with annual work programmes Expected results: approach, priority targets ….To be defined annually in concertation with Public Awareness Working Group and reflected in the text of the call Scope Annual budget: 500.000 euros Co-financing principle: 80% of eligible costs (maximum level) Level of grant: max 50.000 euros – min 15.000 euros No double financing: funded projects may not benefit from any other OHIM and/or EU funding for the same activity
SCOPE ENVISAGED Possibility to submit more than one proposal (maximum one grant to be received) Obligation to clearly acknowledge the Office/Observatory support in Communications, publications, materials disseminated Activities, events, programmes realised under the co-financed project Obligation to use the logo developed by Observatory for awareness activities on All materials, products and activities implemented under the co-financed project + visual guidelines Ideas Powered
Unique beneficiary principle ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Eligible applicants: Public or private bodies, registered in one of EU 28 MS Public entities receiving funds or support from OHIM under other funding schemes aiming to pursue the same objectives are not eligible (e.g national & regional IP offices, international organisations) Unique beneficiary principle Eligible activity (non-profit): 3 cumulative conditions - Cross-border dimension or European potential (action taking place or able to reach audience in several countries) - Consist of awareness-raising activities - Have the possibility to be measured and evaluated against pre-defined KPI Eligible costs: directs & indirects Contractual provisions and payments Exclusion criteria from participation and from award
SELECTION and AWARD CRITERIA SELECTION: Operational and Financial capacity AWARD: The relevance and the general interest of the project: target audience, consistency with objectives and expected results, quality and consistency with proposed means weighting 30 % Impact and reach, KPI identified, multiplier effects and dissemination of the results Sustainability of the project and margin of replication of outcome of the project weighting 20% Quality of the tools and methods proposed: innovation, creativity and originality of the tools and methods proposed weighting 20 %
PROCESS Publication : Guidelines, application form, budget template, letter of intent for partner, list of supporting documents, legal entity form & financial identification form, draft grant agreement How to apply: Application form/ annexes downloadable, submissions in EN Evaluation committee: OHIM/ OBS representatives, consultation of Advisory board, guidance of technical advisors
INDICATIVE TIMELINE Publication of call: December 2014 (tbc) Deadline for submission of proposals: Mid April 2015 Deadline for evaluation: End of May Applicants receive written notification of the results: Mid June Signing of grant agreements: End of June To be evaluated after one year….
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