Overview, follow-up activities for EFIS/MG and WG FM


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Presentation transcript:

Overview, follow-up activities for EFIS/MG and WG FM ECO Workshop on EFIS Mainz / Germany, 19 September 2017 Overview, follow-up activities for EFIS/MG and WG FM 1

ECO Workshop on EFIS Links: Workshop website Workshop Programme Presentations EFIS ECC Deliverables (new Doc DB)

Session 1 What is EFIS? It’s an information system, not a frequency planning tool. Reliable and correct information in the public domain. Regulatory information / informative documents. Documentation and relations, e.g. ECC deliverables and standards. Importance for CEPT, EU, also for user outside Europe. Feedback from users, user experience, important for future developments.

Session 1 What is EFIS (cont.)? EC: Proposal for a written questionnaire to commercial users (industry) on their expectations regarding EFIS. 750 users per day (China and USA on the top). recital-24 of the RED; comparable information regarding the use of radio spectrum in each MS available to the public via the EFIS, makes information about restrictions more important, ECO and EFIS/MG should consider how to make them more visible. Information relevant about the past (for market surveillance purposes): Available for ECC level (Archive in the new DocDB), not for the national level.

Session 1 What is EFIS (cont.)? Quality of data for governmental use has been improved (recent ECA Table update, public edition of the NJFA). Information about other regions is important (RED CA). Linkage to ETSI standards more important and needs to be solved in detail in the near future within future API approach.

Session 2 Update of information on national level Overview provided by the ECO. Three examples (Czech Republic, Switzerland, UK). Legal conditions on national level are also relevant with regard to the extent of information which may be uploaded. RIS template changes due to RE-D? No change in the template itself. But guide to the template has been updated. Monitor outcome of process about new European Electronic Communications Code (Art. 51) in relation to information needs for spectrum trading.

Session 3 How to best find information All information provided by EFIS, general overview. Information related to licensing in mobile bands (ECO Report 03). Interactive Session (Questions and Answers). Update history: provide links to the selected information, so there is no need to search it again. Information on responses to Questionnaires (2 links to summaries, one can be removed).

Session 4 Suggestions for improvement of EFIS ADCO RED: Manufacturers must have a clear picture on the frequency use in EU, EEA and EFTA, also about usage restrictions. RED-CA: Accurate and up to date information on the spectrum use is key for the RE-D, and key to all users. Easy of search: commonly used harmonised spectrum search for Wi-Fi, LTE bands, commonly used nearly harmonised spectrum, e.g. those covered by ERC/REC 70-03 for SRDs, and related standards. Update history is important, improvements may be helpful.

Session 4 Proposal for an Application Programming Interface (API) Web-service and improved visualization planned to be added. This API will make it possible to use EFIS online in external systems. API may also be used to import information from ETSI about published harmonised standards (and cited in the OJEU). It will also be introduced in EFIS and will be a new additional feature for import/export. The existing XML import/export facility will remain as another option in EFIS. The API in EFIS and the new documentation database for documentation must be 100% compatible. This will make it possible that the same information will be handled only one time (increase work efficiency). It avoids deviations in the tools (DocDB and EFIS). The precise architecture (one common API module for both, EFIS and the new documentation database) is under consideration. The developments will bring the new documentation database and EFIS step-by-step closer together.

ECO Workshop on EFIS Thank you