Mill Road Surgery Dr Sellappah
About Mill Road Surgery Mill Road Surgery has been in existence since 1993 This practice comprises of 2,500 patients and employs up to 10 part-time staffs All staffs at Mill Road Surgery have an up to date Child Protection, Adult Safeguarding, DBS, Information Governance and Infection Control Certificate which is renewed on yearly basis. We are proud to say that Mill Road Surgery is uniquely prominent as it holds the top position in the locality as per “THE MIRROR” online survey
About Dr Sellappah Dr.S.Sellappah, MBBS, LRCP, MRCS, MRCOG, DA, MRCGP (UK), Dip. In Dermatology (University Of Wales), Dip. In Cardiology (University Of Cardiff) Dr. Sellappah is a member of two Royal colleges of the United Kingdom Diploma in Dermatology in 2005 Diploma in Cardiology in 2006 Diploma in Diabetic Medicine - Distinction Diploma in Medical Law
Patient Participation Group (PPG) Constitution Objective: The objective of the group is to promote co-operation and cohesiveness between the Practice and its Patients to promote greater efficiency The PPG aims to stimulate discussion of suggestions and general issues for the benefit of both patients and staffs Membership: Will be open to all patients and staffs. The Quorum will be decided later and the committee will be chaired by Dr Sellappah Frequency of Meetings: Held once every two months Meeting Minutes: Will be displayed in the waiting room for all to read
Main Objective Patients are our fundamental focus We believe patient satisfaction will preserve good health, prevent diseases and help early detection of chronic illnesses
Services we provide People with Long Term Conditions Chronic disease clinics for COPD, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Asthma, Diabetes and Mental Health for regular reviews and check-ups Smoking cessations Flu vaccinations Over 75 year old check ups Families, children and young people Health visitors run 2 clinics in a month and are available readily for case discussion We have an assigned safeguarding lead All Practice Nurses complete weekly combined antenatal and postnatal checks Pregnant women were immunised against the whooping cough / flu Cervical smear Child obesity clinic for 7 and 8 year Weight management for BMI over 30 and we are scheduling a new system for High blood pressure and high cholesterol NHS health check-ups - between 40-70 year-old patients
Services we provide Working people and recently retired people Extended hours appointments with nurse and doctors - Saturdays 8.30 am -12.00noon Access to smears and flu vaccinations on Saturdays Telephone consultations Text message reminders of appointments We offer numerous online services such as online appointment bookings, repeat prescriptions requests and viewing of medical history and allergies We offer family planning and chlamydial screening services We offer advanced booking as well as on the day appointments Mental Health Patients We have 22 patients that suffer from mental illnesses and we manage these patients by constructing mental health care plans as well as concentrating on their physical health For housebound patients, Dr. Sellappah arranges home visits and also carries out flu immunizations at their homes. We have an up to date communication system with the District Nurses for required Phlebotomy for housebound patients
GP Patient Survey Comparison with two other local surgeries
Mil Road Surgery’s “The Mirror” Survey Results Top position out of 7612 surgeries in England Patients who had a good experience of making an appointment – 93.7% Patients satisfied with waiting times at the surgery – 67.1% Patients who thought the GP gave them enough time – 95.4% Patient who thought the GP listened to them- 93.8% Patients who definitely have confidence and trust in the GP – 72.2% Patient whose overall experience was good – 87.7% Patients who would recommend to a newcomer to the area – 82.5%
Forum Discussion Now it’s your time to voice your suggestions and raise any general issues that you may have